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余地是什么意思 余地是什么

时间:2020-04-30 09:40:02


  余地是什么意思 余地是什么?对于这个网络时代,可能每天都有人创造出网络新词,这些词语非常有趣,那么余地是什么意思?今天我们就为给各位不懂的朋友好好解答一番。


  余地 基本解释

  余地[yú dì]






余地是什么意思 余地是什么

余地是什么意思 余地是什么

  余地 汉英大词典

  余地[yú dì]

  leeway; margin; room; latitude:


  leave some leeway;


  there is enough space for manoeuvers.


  there is still room for improvement.

  余地 网络解释

  1. room n:roller machine 滚床 | room n.余地| rope n. 缆索

  2. margin:mar 弄糟,毁坏 | margin余地| nimble 机智的;敏捷的

  余地 双语例句

  1. 接着是五花大绑和吊起一只脚,然后是绳师球形紧缚,她的全身上下都被麻绳捆绑的结结实实,毫无动弹的余地,最后是用中国传统的老虎凳加以虐待。

  second, she was bound up and one foot was hung up in the air, only had one foot standing to support her body, third, the master gave her a very tight ball tie to make her learn the extreme taste of chinese rope bondage, last, she was tortured by traditional chinese tiger`s bench.

  2. 北花园房地产市峰林,另外两名将购买和谐城北的选择余地。

  north garden real estate in the city fenglin and two others will be purchased harmony chengbei room of choice.

  3. 衣红最不信邪,但眼前指证历历,她连狡辩的余地都没有。

  yi hong was most skeptical about the art of divination but the proof was right there before her eyes. it left no room for argument.

余地是什么意思 余地是什么

余地是什么意思 余地是什么

  4. 肩胛上神经分别在肩胛上、下孔处贴近肩胛上韧带、肩胛下韧带,活动余地较小,肩部外展活动时神经张力增大,肩袖和肩胛上神经干之间有筋膜相隔。

  the suprascapular nerve is closeto superior transverse scapular ligment at suprascapular hole, close to inferior transverse scapular at subscapular hole. the movement space is limited, the nerve tension is increased when the shoulder abduct, the fascia separate the suprascapular nerve from the rotator cuff.

  5. 你说的对,我没有选择的余地。

  christina: you're right. i don't have any options.

  6. 皮革swaddles内部,在那里足余地和头部空间是标准杆为一流。

  leather swaddles the interior, where foot room and head room are par for the class.

  7. 圣基金分析师江赛春指出,许多以前设立的私募基金并不会使股票的鲜明立场,因此,这部分基金也减仓的余地。

  de san fund analyst jiang cup spring pointed out that many established earlier equity fund does not make a clear position on the stock and therefore this part of the fund also减仓room.

  8. 这一点是没有争论余地的。

  it is no chance to discuss on this point.

  9. 从该项目使做生意,要在目前的余地已表明长沙品牌房地产公司开始转向的趋势,房地产刘刚摄问

  from the project to make to do business, pay at the current room has shown changsha brand real estate companies began to shift the trend of real estate刘刚摄journalist

  10. 他强调称,尽管webex已经取得了巨大的成功,但是webex仍然有提高的余地。

  while webex has had great success, it can be improved, he noted.

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