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痛彻心扉什么意思 痛彻心扉是什么

时间:2020-09-17 14:10:02


  痛彻心扉什么意思 痛彻心扉是什么?成语是我们展示文化水平的一种方式,但是很多成语我们都可能未必知道它的意思,那么痛彻心扉是什么意思?今天我们就给各位不懂的朋友好好解答一番。







  痛彻心扉 双语例句

痛彻心扉什么意思 痛彻心扉是什么

痛彻心扉什么意思 痛彻心扉是什么

  1. 他就是我的世界,所以当你输掉的时候,实在是让人痛彻心扉

  it means the world to me, so it hurts when you lose.

  2. 当你与爱人分离的时候,你是不是痛彻心扉?

  i feel these things when i think of you.

  3. 被所爱的人欺骗,会是一种痛彻心扉的感觉

  one is easily fooled by that which one love.

  4. 所有的这些可能会使你因为受到剧烈的情感创伤而痛彻心扉。

  all of these can make you feel punched square in the stomach with intense emotional trauma.

  5. 如果我可以再次拥有那段时间,请告诉我你会在什么时候放弃;告诉我我们将在什么时间经历那段痛彻心扉的回忆;告诉我我们是否会在某一天忘记对方。

  if you tell me to have another chance to have the time.

  6. 随着时间的慢慢推移,刘刚越来越依赖着若梅,只要有一天她不在线上,刘刚就抓心挠肝的痛彻心扉,一会站起来望望窗外,一会在屋里来回走动,简直就是魂不守舍。

  as time goes by slowly, more and more dependent on the ruomei liu gang, as long as she did not have a day online, liu gang grasp on the heart of the liver scratch tongche heart, i will stand up and looked out the window, one in the house, to move back and forth, it is hunbushoushe.

痛彻心扉什么意思 痛彻心扉是什么

痛彻心扉什么意思 痛彻心扉是什么

  7. 像中山姑娘、忘不掉的伤、痛彻心扉、我想找个女朋友等等好听的歌曲。

  the zhongshan girl, could not forget likely the wound, the painful penetrating heart door leaf, i want to look for a girlfriend and so on pleasant to hear song.

  8. 与罩在文森特·梵高(也译文森特·梵·高或凡高——译者注)身上长达数十年浪漫传奇的杜撰光环相比,梵高的生活故事,更悲苦难忍、痛彻心扉。

  the story of vincent van gogh`s life is more heartbreaking, and heart-lifting, than the romantic myth that has enshrouded him for decades.

  9. 往事有如那淼淼云烟,随风飘散在那红叶似血秋雨飘淼的天空里,追溯着伤痛的痕迹趟过那痛彻心扉的心底,感受到的是一种茫然无助尤如坠落万丈冰渊的透骨寒意。

  miaomiao yunyan back like that, the wind disturbance of blood in the autumn leaves may float in the sky miao, retrospective traces of the pain that趟过heart痛彻the bottom of my heart, felt at a loss not just putting on a lofty fall speranskia of cold ice-yuan.

  10. 朋友说,那只是你不够痛,只有真的痛彻心扉了才会这样,但是我自己清楚我此时的心情,或许随着年龄的增长,早已经不习惯用眼泪来宣泄这该死的心情了吧,是不是我逞强得太久?

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