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fairy tale是什么意思 这首歌你有听过吗

时间:2021-03-19 17:20:04


  fairy tale是什么意思,这首歌你有听过吗?fairy tale对于大部分人来说,会直接把它理解成英语词组,其实它还代表了一首歌的名字,那么就让我们一起来看看,fairy tale是什么意思呢?你有听过这首歌吗?

  fairy tale是什么意思



  歌手:michael learn to rock(迈克学摇滚)






  2010年冬,来自北欧最温暖的声音——迈克学摇滚强势推出2cd新歌+精选 《everlasting love songs 情歌传奇》。

  强势收录27首脍炙人口的传唱金曲,其中包括:《you took my heart away》、《nothing to lose》、《25 minutes》等耳熟能详的流行曲目,更有《take me to your heart》、《i walk this road alone》等经迈克学摇滚重新演绎后再度红遍大江南北的绝世金曲。

  此外,专辑中更收录了两首滚烫出炉的新歌《fairy tale》、《everlasting love song》,使这张新歌+精选的2cd成为不得不收藏的精品佳作。配合迈克学摇滚2010年中国巡演,即将刮起新一轮北欧抒情旋风。

  michael learns to rock的音乐,结合了北欧流行乐的清新气息与英美摇滚乐的迷人风采,征服了全球乐迷的心,在2010年末的最新大碟《情歌传奇》中,他们将继续传递传奇般的爱情故事。

fairy tale是什么意思

fairy tale是什么意思

  在世界流行乐坛中,北欧常常能为我们带来一些惊喜。而来自丹麦的michael learns to rock(mltr)就是其中之一,他们在九十年代风靡世界,带来抚动我们心弦的音乐——斯堪的纳维亚清新气息和经典流行音乐的完美结合。


  新专辑除了收录历年来多首脍炙人口的歌曲(如“take me to your heart”让我靠近你的心;“that’s why you go away”那是为何你不辞而别 等),还有特地为了北京奥运而创作的加油助威的单曲《one world one dream 同一个世界 同一个梦想》,还收录了《fairy tale》和《everlasting love song》两首新歌曲,让无数乐迷期待不已。mltr重新演绎李健的《传奇》,歌曲充满了浪漫的风味和气息,让人感觉意犹未尽。这也是继《take me to your heart 》和《i walk this road alone》之后,mltr翻唱的第三首中文歌曲。《everlasting love song 》表达感情细腻、动人,不愧被称作“情歌至尊”。[1]



  in that misty morning when i saw your smiling face在那个薄雾清晨,我看到你微笑的脸庞

  you only looked at me and i was yours只那一眼,你便将我俘虏

  but when i turned around可在我转身时

  you were nowhere to be seen你却无迹可寻

  you had walked away and closed the door你已离去,大门已紧闭

  when will i see you again何时能再见你

  when will the sky stop to rain天空何时停止下雨

  when will the stars start to shine星辰何时会闪耀

  when will i know that you're mine我何时才能拥有你

  did i ever meet you in the sunshine你我是否曾在阳光下相遇

  and when we were both a thousand years away那相遇仿佛隔了千年

  did i ever hold you in the moonlight我是否曾在月光下拥你入怀

  and did we make every minute last another day是否让每一分钟都变成了永久

  on a cold december night i gave my heart to you我在一个寒冷冬夜将心付给你

  and by the summer you were gone你在夏季离我而去

  now as the days grow older and the stars will start to dim时光飞逝,星辰远去

  all i have are memories and this song只有回忆和这歌声陪伴

  when will i see you again何时能再见你

  when will the sky stop to rain天空何时停止下雨

  when will the stars start to shine星辰何时会闪耀

  when will i know that you're mine我何时才能拥有你

  when will i see you again何时能再见你

  when will the sky stop to rain天空何时停止下雨

  when will the stars start to shine星辰何时会闪耀

  when will i know that you're mine我何时才能拥有你

  in that misty morning i saw your smiling face...在那个薄雾清晨,我看到你微笑的脸庞.

fairy tale是什么意思

fairy tale是什么意思


  in that misty morning when i saw your smiling face

  you only looked at me and i was yours

  but when i turned around

  you were nowhere to be seen

  you had walked away and closed the door

  when will i see you again

  when will the sky stop to rain

  when will the stars start to shine

  when will i know that you're mine

  did i ever meet you in the sunshine

  and when we were both a thousand years away

  did i ever hold you in the moonlight

  and did we make every minute last another day

  on a cold december night i gave my heart to you

  and by the summer you were gone

  now as the days grow older and the stars will start to dim

  all i have are memories and this song

  when will i see you again

  when will the sky stop to rain

  when will the stars start to shine

  when will i know that you're mine

  did i ever meet you in the sunshine

  and when we were about a thousand years away

  did i ever hold you in the moonlight

  did we make every minute last another day

  when will i see you again

  when will the sky stop to rain

  when will the stars start to shine

  when will i know that you're mine

  in that misty morning when i saw your smiling face

  综上所述,以上就是fairy tale是什么意思,这首歌你有听过吗,看了上面这篇文章,我想大家也都基本了解了fairy tale这首歌,希望这篇文章对大家认识fairy tale有所帮助。


