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heartbeats什么意思 heartbeats是什么

时间:2020-11-09 11:08:02


  相信精通英文的人对“heartbeats”这个词汇是非常了解的,它的解释、用法分为很多种,就看你怎么运用了。那么,接下来,小编就带大家了解下“heartbeats什么意思 heartbeats是什么”吧!

heartbeats什么意思 heartbeats是什么

heartbeats什么意思 heartbeats是什么

  heartbeats什么意思 heartbeats是什么


  心跳,中心( heartbeat的名词复数 )


  it's you, warm and deep, that gives me the joy and happiness of the night.是你,温暖深邃心灵赋予我今夜的快乐和幸福的心跳。

  i feel my heart beat and know that this is my age.我感觉到我的心跳明白这是属于我的时代。

  the heartbeat signal of all running replication agents was detected.检测到了所有正在运行的复制代理程序的心跳信号。

  this means that if a node or network is congested, detection may be discarded.这意味着,如果一个节点或网络很拥挤,检测可能被丢弃。

heartbeats什么意思 heartbeats是什么

heartbeats什么意思 heartbeats是什么

  it also provides functions such as heartbeat, timeout, disconnection, and error handling.它还提供了心跳、超时、断开连接和错误处理等功能。

  heart disease has serious problems associated with heart failure and life-threatening heart failure (irregular heartbeat).心脏病所包含的严重问题有心力衰竭和危及生命的心率不齐(心跳不规则)。

  he could feel her heartbeat, but never saw her.他能感受到她的心跳,却始终没见过她。

  these drugs reduce the intensity and frequency of heartbeats and relieve stress on the wall of the aorta.这些药物降低强度和频率的心跳,减轻压力上墙的主动脉。

  then there was a brief pause, about six heartbeats, and the black boots went away and retired from the path.接下来,是短暂的停顿,大约有六次心跳的时间,黑色的靴子走开了,从这小道退了出去。

  the researchers speculated that roger's brain recorded his heartbeat from the blood vessels flowing through his chest wall and skin.研究人员推测roger的大脑从他的胸腔壁和皮肤下跳动的血管记录了他的心跳。


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