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headphones是什么意思 headphones是什么

时间:2020-05-03 16:57:02


  headphones可以理解为耳机、耳筒,其实词汇的解释和理解都各不相同,理解词汇对于学习英文的人来说是很重要的,下文是小编为大家搜集的关于headphones是什么意思 headphones是什么的相关介绍,希望对你了解这方面内容有所帮助!

headphones是什么意思 headphones是什么

headphones是什么意思 headphones是什么

  headphones是什么意思 headphones是什么

  1. 耳机:目前奥特蓝星(alteclansing)产品线涵盖家庭影院系列(****poweredtheater)、电脑音箱(pcspeakers)、mp3播放器配件(inmotion)、耳机(headphones)等. 营造高尚生活氛围,洋溢生活情趣,提升生活方式,是奥特蓝星(alteclansing)每款音响产品的所要传达给消费者的生活理念,

  2. 耳筒:在摇滚音乐会进行中,台上工作人员带上的海绵质耳塞,可减低 25 db;而在射击训练场或***停机坪的工作人员,在内耳塞海棉之外,还要盖上耳筒(headphones)加强保护.

  3. 头带耳机:0906** 收音机呼喊器 radio pagers | 090681 头带耳机headphones| 090681 头带耳机headphones

  4. 听筒:headphone 耳机 |headphones听筒 | headpiece 头盔

  headphones 双语例句

  1. the tao receiver actually comes with a car and **** kit, along withheadphonesand a random assortment of other stuff to let you do everything you want, right out of the box.


headphones是什么意思 headphones是什么

headphones是什么意思 headphones是什么

  2. useheadphonesif you'll be listening to them in the middle of the workday.


  3. if you prefer to useheadphonesto the built-in, you're set.


  4. cd has a variety of hand-held machine bag, bag walkman, radio kits, digital camera bags, mobile bags, dv machine sling, portable computer bag, portable dvd protection bag, dvd discs, bags, sling, glasses box,headphonesheadset bag boxes, ÷bag, bag shaver, electric scissors and so on bag diverse styles and materials used, the cost-price options.


  5. at present mali lan brand products are: speaker, professional amplifier, karaoke ok amplifier, equalizer, power filters, power supply, timing, pressure limit, incentive, the cros*****, a signal splitter, xiao called suppressor, headphone amplifier, effects, mixers,headphonesmonitor, signal switch boxes, line testing, gooseneck lamps, spare parts and other neighboring series of professional-grade audio equipment.


  结语:上文是关于headphones是什么意思 headphones是什么的相关介绍,相信大家都有了一定的了解,想要了解更多的词汇介绍,请继续关注我们网站吧!


