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headphone是什么意思 headphone是什么

时间:2020-05-02 15:08:02


  headphone是什么意思 headphone是什么?虽然现在英语作为我们教科书的重要一门功课,但是很多朋友在上学的时候都学的比较吃力,那么headphone是什么意思呢?今天我们就为不了解的朋友详细的解答。


  headphone 基本解释

  名词听筒; 戴在头上的收话器,双耳式耳机

  headphone 网络解释

  1. 头戴式耳机:因此设计师多从已出现在板子上的其它频率取得hi-fi音讯频率虽然此额外的频率部分需由锁相来回路(pll)实现其方法为让角频(corner frequency)成为一种选择头戴式耳机(headphone)和双耳式耳机(he

headphone是什么意思 headphone是什么

headphone是什么意思 headphone是什么

  2. 头戴耳机:色差(yuv)端子输出(bnc接头)除了模拟色差(yuv)与 s 视讯(y/c)每次只能使用其中一种输出格式之外.在本总线选取的音讯会传送至视讯(vcr)频道.加)讯号等级,以产生平衡和悦耳的混音.这些推杆设为 6 (unity)时,则使用头戴耳机(headphone)可以精确监控任何音源(麦克风,

  3. 戴在头上的收话器、双耳式耳机:heading: 航向 |headphone: 戴在头上的收话器、双耳式耳机 | headset amplifier: 头戴式放大器

  headphone 双语例句

  1. apa2051 integrates 1.the stereo audio speaker amplifier with gain setting, 2.cap-free stereoheadphonedriver.


  2. audio-gd also makes other hi-fi gear, including a couple ofheadphoneamps, so, after another head-fi'er blew up at me asking why i still had a link to an ebay seller in the zero faq who'd had a couple of major customer issues, i decided to do one better, and asked the owner of audio-gd if he could make something similar to the zero, for about the price of a fully-upgraded model.

  他接受了一些对他设计的建议。audio-gd同样制造其他hifi器材,像很多耳放。在一个坛友指问我后,为什么我有个ebay卖家的链接在zero dac 的问答贴里面,这个卖家有许多纠纷。我决定找个更好的,我问audio-gd的老板是否能做个类似zero dac那样的产品。

  3. at present mali lan brand products are: speaker, professional amplifier, karaoke ok amplifier, equalizer, power filters, power supply, timing, pressure limit, incentive, the cros*****, a signal splitter, xiao called suppressor,headphoneamplifier, effects, mixers,headphones monitor, signal switch boxes, line testing, gooseneck lamps, spare parts and other neighboring series of professional-grade audio equipment.


headphone是什么意思 headphone是什么

headphone是什么意思 headphone是什么

  4. grado is famous for their remarkableheadphoneand phono cartridge designs and hold **** 48 patents.


  5. well add another competitor to theheadphonemarket with the introduction of the bowers wilkins p5 mobile hi-fi headphones.

  bowers wilkins是耳机市场的新军,近日它推出了旗下第一款便携式hifi耳机p5。

  6. the remote has a built in am antenna and theheadphonecord act as a fm antenna.


  7. with sepecial signal processing system, it can make you feel the sound effect of multi-horn under pratical listening circumstance through the tranditional stereoheadphone.


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