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sx是什么意思 sx是什么

时间:2020-05-03 16:16:01


  随着互联网时代的不断发展,网络新词也在快速更新,不知道各位朋友们对“sx”这个英文单词有没有了解过呢?如果你对这个单词感兴趣的话,下面一起来学习一下sx是什么意思 sx是什么吧。

sx是什么意思 sx是什么

sx是什么意思 sx是什么

  sx是什么意思 sx是什么

  16位i/o的cpu(如***sx);sacks 包;袋;

  sx 网络解释

  1. 数学:某中学将数、理、化三科成绩已输入数据库文件hz.dbf中,数据结构字段为学号(sno)、数学(sx)、物理(wl)、化学(hx)、平均成绩(avem现要编写一个foxbase程序段,求得各考生的平均成绩,并填入平均成绩(avem)字段中.

  2. 信号:权利要求书 1.一种移动无线电应用的接收方法,表示为以下的步骤: -接收由某个用户发送的或打算给该接收用户(msx)的用户数 据信号(sx),至少一个其他的用户数据信号(sy)的相同的频段内;

  3. 三星:由于指定是三明的居民才能参加,报名者需在报的用户名前加上三明(sm)或三星(sx)的代号,表示三明日月星. 哈哈,围棋、象棋等都是我的拿手好戏,当然都是奔那冠军去的了. 我报了好几个名,因为男女不限,我报有三星正宗甜水鸭(sxzztsy),

  4. 山西:26,sn 陕西 | 27,sx山西 | 28,tjm 天津

  sx 双语例句

  1. nokia 6600, nokia 6620, nokia 7610, nokia 3650, nokia 3660, nokia 3620, nokia n-gage, nokia n-gage qd, nokia 7650, siemenssx-1


  2. symbian os s60 简介兼容手机:- nokia 7650 - nokia 3650/3600 - nokia n-gage/n-gage qd - nokia 3660/3620 - siemenssx1 - nokia 6600 - nokia 7610 - nokia 6620 - nokia 6260 - sendo x - nokia 6670 - nokia 6630 sysman he**s you to control applications better, make calls faster and send your messages more easily.


  3. i was tasked to he** out with lai fasx, whom he reminded me that we attended the junior tzu chi volunteers training day together, which i had totally forgotten.


  4. the results showed that after 15 generations of passage in hailanbai chickens prepatent period of e. tenellasx010323 was reduced from 141 hours to 120 hours; the oocysts were apparently smaller than the parental strain; examination of endogenous development showed that the second generation schizogony of the selected precocious shanxi line was incomplete; the ld50 to 11-day chickens of parental strain and precocious strains were 7.52×104, 27.64×104 respectively; the precocious parasite is less pathogenic than the parental strain and has a reduced reproductive potential, but remains the immunogenicity of the parental strain.

  结果表明:经过海兰白雏鸡15次传代之后,e.tenella sx010323潜隐期由141 h 缩短至120 h,卵囊明显缩小。

  5. committed to binding equipment products: zyh660d folding machine, jbt50/3d4d oval adhesive binding of the package, jbt50/3a oval package this machine, jbt50/4a oval package this machine, jbb51b adhesive binding of the package, dq440b riding a semi-automatic ma ding shuji, td102 single wire ding shuji, dh11-ab ding shu-box set, yp-608/808-mechanica***ressure core of the machine, nb-60 automatic stick-back, small high-performance back-nien,sx-01 line-lock, dk-2 automatic drilling machine, dk-4-drilling machine, back-pressure.


  6. r****d crank is of a tape-measure type. for r****ding, film advance gear disengagement knob is to be fixed in the depressed position.


  7. in the process of material in dump by l-sx-ew, leaching is the weakest link.

  摘 要:在浸出-萃取-电积工艺处理排土场物料过程中,浸出是最薄弱的一个环节。

  8. cotton fabric we would like to introduce ourselves as one of the leading suppliers of inter linings in india, we are looking for suppliers of cotton linings for our exporters, we need linings of, 20'sx20's/60x60 in grey or rfd and white.

  棉织品我们想介绍自己是在印度的衬料之间的主要供应者之一,我们寻找供应者棉花给我们的出口商,我们需要,20 'sx20 /和白色的灰色或者rfd 60 x60。

  9. methods the pulmonary functions of 97 children with asthma were measured by microloop the children pulmonary function equipment made in britain, both before and post thesx/fp inhaling.


  10. with this strong company the technology, already have the design and manufacturing of ssw,sx-, sg-type, sd-type, sgz type, aut type, lw type, lgz type, wf-type, sbz type, ld, gk, gkf series of centrifuge capacity.


sx是什么意思 sx是什么

sx是什么意思 sx是什么

  11. only production at the bwana mkubwesx-ew facility in zambia at 2, 200t in q108 looks on the low side relative to guidance of 12, 000t for the full year.

  只有赞比亚 bwana mkubwe sx-ew 工厂2008年第一季度2,200吨的产量,相对于全年12,000的产量目标较低。

  12. yz8b hja/bsx1-it`s in the backpack.


  13. the five-seater splash is based on the same platform as the swift supermini and sx4 mini-suv and is designed to appeal in a wide variety of world markets.


  14. suzuki claims that the new unit will propel the front-drive sx4 from 0-62mph in 12.2sec and on to a top speed of 109mph, while returning 53.3mpg on the combined cycle, and producing 139g/km of co2 emissions.

  铃木宣称搭载柴油引擎的前轮驱动版sx4 0-62英里加速时间为12.2秒,最高时速为109英里(约合175公里),而综合油耗约为53.3英里/加仑(百公里油耗约合5.3升),每公里二氧化碳排放量为139克。

  15. the physical and chemical properties and microstructures of product have beentested by kzl-30 type electric bending strength tester, jvc reading microscope,sx-40sem and d/max xrd.


  16. the successful case that the nml logging was used in wellsxindicate that the nml logging is valid in analyzing and evaluating pore structure of unconsolidated sandstone and nature of fluid.


  17. the resistance rise causes of packing column of wet desulfurization are analyzed from the aspect of variations of process control conditions.

  从工艺控制条件的变化,分析了湿法脱硫中填料塔阻力上涨的原因,论述了在生产实际中应采取的对策与处理措施,并对湿法脱硫中副产物na2 sx的形成提出了自己的观点。

  18. the structure of new-designed sx2 rotary type coal division device is introduced in this paper.


  19. 4sx9va:i*u0 cardiorenal syndrome is a clinical syndrome when chronic heart failure ca using renal dysfunction.

  心肾综合征(cardiorenal syndrome,crs)是指由于心力衰竭引起肾功能不全时的一种临床综合征。

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