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而立之年是什么意思 而立之年是什么

时间:2020-05-03 16:15:01


  而立之年是什么意思 而立之年是什么?成语是我们展示文化水平的一种方式,但是很多成语我们都可能未必知道它的意思,那么而立之年是什么意思?今天我们就给各位不懂的朋友好好解答一番。


  而立之年 基本解释

  而立之年[ér lì zhī nián]

  词典thirty years of age:而立之年;而立。

  词典the year in life at which a person should be independent:而立之年。

  而立之年 汉英大词典

  而立之年[ér lì zhī nián]

而立之年是什么意思 而立之年是什么

而立之年是什么意思 而立之年是什么

  (指人30岁) thirty years of age; the year in life at which a person should be independent

  而立之年 双语例句

  1. 于是,带著几乎空白的数理化、英语背景,口袋里也没几个钱,靠著主的应许,从而立之年始,我开始了北美留学的八千里路云和月。

  so, with a background of almost zero math, physics and chemistry and zero english, with very little money but with plenty of god's promises, i began my long journey of ****seas schooling at the age of thirty.

  2. 我是在而立之年结婚的。

  i got married at the age of thirty.

  3. 在而立之年,我生命的全部支柱离自己远去,这真是毁灭性的打击。

  what had been the focu s of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating.

  4. 而在此之前的一年,我们刚推出了我们macintosh电脑,当时我刚过而立之年。

  but then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out.

  5. 她本是青楼风月出身,庄襄王驾崩时她还正值而立之年,三十岁的女人,正是风花雪月的大好年华,聚遭大故,孤衾独守,她怎甘孤孀的冷清岁月,守节几个月后,便难耐房中的寂寞,往往借商议国事为名,召吕不韦进宫。

而立之年是什么意思 而立之年是什么

而立之年是什么意思 而立之年是什么

  temptress moon she is brothel origin, zhuang xiang wang death when she also notched three-year-old woman, a great love is romantic, poly was so large, solitarydu shou quilt, she widow of howgan gu deserted years remarry a few months later, we encounter in the lonely room, often by the name of the deliberations of the affairs of state, called the palacelv bu wei.

  6. 成和建筑」见证了**建造业的黄金时期,在这「而立之年」,「成和建筑」将更进一步,与各界分享其丰富经验,努力为**建造美好未来,开创更丰硕成果。

  furthermore, in this 「age of taking stand」, 「chenghe construction」 will go one step further to share their experience and strive to build a better future for hong kong, and create more fruitful results.

  7. 恒泰建筑」见证了**建造业的黄金时期,在这「而立之年」,「恒泰建筑」将更进一步,与各界分享其丰富经验,努力为**建造美好未来,开创更丰硕成果。

  furthermore, in this 「age of taking stand」, 「hengtai construction」 will go one step further to share their experience and strive to build a better future for hong kong, and create more fruitful results.

  8. 刚过而立之年的李笑天,颇具企业家的豪迈之气。

  just passed and stand year li xiao day, have the bold and generous energy of life of entrepreneur quite.

  9. 他是个小伙子,尚不及而立之年。

  he is a young man, hardly more than a stripling.

  10. 观众蜂拥而入影院的热情,都给了金敏善而立之年的一脱。

  the audience rush to get into the warm theater, which weregiven to kim min a good erlizhinian off.

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