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tenderness什么意思 tenderness是什么

时间:2020-05-02 09:44:02


  在日常生活交谈中,总能从别人的嘴里听到“tenderness”这个比较高级的词语,当然,这对英文不熟悉的人来说,肯定是不了解的。接下来,小编就来为大家讲解下“tenderness什么意思 tenderness是什么”吧!

tenderness什么意思 tenderness是什么

tenderness什么意思 tenderness是什么

  tenderness什么意思 tenderness是什么




  on the one hand, it is connected with love, love and gentleness.一方面,它与爱,爱情和温柔相联系。

  their thoughtfulness and grief will add to her distress.她们的体贴和伤心会增加她的苦恼。

  but i think she is the kind of ambiguous and tender woman.但我觉得她就是那种暧昧和柔情的女子。

  we have tenderness, we have intimacy, we connect.我们有温柔,我们有亲密我们灵犀相通。

  he was a good man and filled with kindness to everyone.他是个好人,对任何人都充满了善心。

  this does not mean that there is no personal relationship, no love, tenderness, encouragement and support.这并不意味着就没有私人关系了,没有慈爱,温柔,鼓励和扶持了。

tenderness什么意思 tenderness是什么

tenderness什么意思 tenderness是什么

  dad's strong and mother's kindness, from a very deep impact on li yu.爸爸的坚强和妈妈的善良从小就深深的影响着李钰。

  obviously, in the quiet, dark world of my life, there is no strong tenderness and affection.显然,在我生活的寂静、黑暗的世界里,是没有强烈的柔情和关爱的。

  the beauty of animals, the courage and the tenderness to teach us new things in our lives today.动物的美丽,勇气和柔情教我们新的东西在我们今天生活。

  the seed company sacrifices the softness and taste of the product to meet the demands of harvest and storage.种子公司就为满足收获和贮存的要求而牺牲产品的柔嫩和滋味。

  i believe that if you can't accept yourself, you can't accept and treat others kindly.我相信人若不能接受自己,便不可能接受和善待他人。

  she felt that his tenderness, his affection, and his love were sincere.她感到他的温存、他的情感和他的爱都是真挚的。

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