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come on什么意思 come on是什么

时间:2020-05-01 11:10:02


  come on这一个英语短语,我们在平时的日常生活和学习中的英语对话中经常会运用到,但是你知道这一个英语短语的具体中文意思吗?那么,come on什么意思 come on是什么。下面小编来为大家解答,希望对大家有帮助。

come on什么意思 come on是什么

  come on什么意思 come on是什么

  come on什么意思

  v. 突然产生;要求;降临;开始;进步;赶快;上演;上台;成长,发展;加油;别胡扯

  用作动词 (v.)

  suddenly it came on me where i had lost my keys.


  my parents have never come on us for anything.


  it's getting colder: winter is coming on.


  i think i have a cold coming on.


  his french has come on a lot since he joined the conversation class.


come on什么意思 come on是什么

  come on什么意思 come on是什么

  come on是什么

  come on strong 给人以强烈的印象(具... come on the heels of 紧随之后(接踵而至)... come on to 开始谈及 come out on strike 举行罢工 come down on one side or the other of the fence 支持两方的一方... come on in 进来吧!(这是比co... come down on someone like a load of bricks 严厉谴责某人... come out on the right side 赚钱 come-on man 工头 come out on the wrong side 赚钱 come down on 申斥 come in on 参加(参与 come on 突然产生 come down on the right side of the fence 附和胜利的一方... come on the scene 到来 come out on a strike 举行罢工

  上文就是关于come on什么意思 come on是什么的内容,英语学习中缺乏词汇量是一件非常困难的事情,为了帮助更多网友,我们整理了大量的英语知识。


