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消弭是什么意思 消弭是什么

时间:2020-05-01 07:01:02


  消弭是什么意思 消弭是什么?对于这个网络时代,可能每天都有人创造出网络新词,这些词语非常有趣,那么消弭是什么意思?今天我们就为给各位不懂的朋友好好解答一番。


  消弭 基本解释

  消弭[xiāo mǐ]

  词典put an end to:杜绝;结束,终止;消弭;废止。



消弭是什么意思 消弭是什么

消弭是什么意思 消弭是什么

  消弭 汉英大词典

  消弭[xiāo mǐ]

  put an end to; avert; prevent:


  prevent floods;


  avert a war

  消弭 网络解释

  1. cancl cancelling:cancl cancel 删除 | cancl cancelling消弭| cancel 取消

  2. rule out:rule of thumb 经验法则 | rule out消弭| rule 法则

  3. eliminate:effect 成效,作用 | eliminate消弭| employment experience任务经历

  消弭 双语例句

  1. 努力去提高重听人士应付由于新技术使用而带来的变化的适应能力以及运用电子信息技术去消弭由于听力缺陷而给听障人士带来的各种障碍是非常重要的。

消弭是什么意思 消弭是什么

消弭是什么意思 消弭是什么

  it is important to try to enhance the coping of hard of hearing persons in the changes brought about by the new techniques and the use of teleinformatics in the compensation of the handicaps caused by hearing defects.

  2. 「邻避」(not-in-my-back-yard,nimby)往往被视为是个人或社区反对某种设施或土地使用所表现出来的态度,这种又被称为邻避症候群的环境冲突,在世界各国已经成为-个不易解决的问题,因此,在整礼规划邻避设施时便应重视邻避冲突之管理,以消弭设施周围民众的不满,进而减缓邻避设施设置、更新、营运的阻力。

  nimby (not-in-my-back-yard) has been described as the attitude against the siting of certain facilities or land uses. environmental conflicts derived from the nimby syndrome has become a critical issue for countries around the world. therefore, in planning and siting nimby facilities, the conflict management must be considered to prevent malcontent reactions from nearby neighborhoods and hence reduce nimby effects.

  3. 本书赞美死亡,因为它消弭了人类所有的苦难;本书赞美死亡,因为它让一切生命获得了永恒。

  this book appreciates death as it brings all the miseries of human being to an end and it brings our lives to eternity.

  4. 无心快语可能引发争执,无情之词可能损折生命,温语可能消弭压力,而关爱之声能治愈心灵

  a careless word may kindle strife a cruel word may wrede on life, a timely word may levelstress. a loving word may heal and bless

  5. 在购进全部股份之后的两年内,私股企业相比其同行削减了更多的人手,这一差距之后便会消弭。

  a study by josh lerner for the world economic forum in 2008 found that firms run by private-equity groups shed more jobs than their peers in the two years after a buy-out, although the differences disappear after that.

  6. 欧洲核子研究中心的声明试图消弭人们有关新建成的大型强子对撞机在实验时将产生一个坍缩星,进而吞噬整个地球的恐慌。

  cern''s pronouncements were intended to allay concerns that a black hole would be spit out of its new large hadron collider and eat the earth.

  上文就关于消弭是什么意思 消弭是什么的相关解答,如果你在工作中或者生活中遇到一些不懂的英语或者网络新词就登陆我们网站来查阅吧!

