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kva是什么意思 kva是什么

时间:2020-04-30 23:57:01


  kva的中文意思是千伏安、视在功率的意思,在英文学**过程中,它的词语解释和相关介绍,大家都了解吗?下面就让小编带大家一起进入下文了解一下kva是什么意思 kva是什么吧,希望对你了解这方面内容有所帮助。

kva是什么意思 kva是什么

kva是什么意思 kva是什么

  kva是什么意思 kva是什么

  1. 千伏安:型 号 分断容量 (icu) 电流规格代号型 号 分断容量 (icu) 电流规格代号型号 功率 (kvar) 参考价型号 电压频率 有效电流值 (irms) 千伏安 (kva) 参考价型号 电压频率 有效电流值 (irms) 千伏安 (kva) 参考价型号 电压频率

  2. 视在功率:功率因素(power factor correct)指的是有效功率(kw)与总耗电量(视在功率) (kva)的比值. 功率因素可以衡量电力被有效利用的程度,当功率因素值越大,代表其电力利用率越高.

  3. 供油装置;燃油消耗表:kt 售后服务培训 |kva供油装置;燃油消耗表 | kw 短波

  4. 苦:kushbeal 六畜 |kva苦 |kvaer 大米

  5.kva:knowledge value added; 知识附加价值

  kva 双语例句

  1. the following calculations show that a 3 phase 100kva380 v delta/400v wye transformer placed in the circuit, should meet the needs for 4 test stands.


  2. plenty of power throughout the county, now has a 220 kilovolt substation 9, 110-kilovolt line 87 km, 85 km line of 35 kv, 10 kv lines 1063 kilometers,*******, 3393 distribution transformers with a total capacity of 230, 000kva.


kva是什么意思 kva是什么

kva是什么意思 kva是什么

  3. jy200l31(20kva) automatically adjust based on the contents of the document, save presorting manpower and time.


  4. the output frequency of the power supply is continuously tunable **** the range from 9-65khz; its output voltage is continuously tunable from 0-30kv; output power reaches 5kva; the surface activator, produced through the reaction between multi-ethene multi-amine and unsaturated fatty acid(with ratio 1:4) using the solvent method, is successfully applied for the development of nitride magnetic fluid; as far as the stability is concerned, it is comparable to that of the pbsi made in japan.


  5. it owns power installed capacity of 330 thousandkva, daily water-supply capacity of 80 thousand tons and hourly heat-supply capacity of 420 tons.


  6.kva*4 power in the sub-bar installation and commissioning of medium voltage distribution system, organizational theory and practice hands-on training; 700t/d 550t/d and assist in the thin float glass production line of electrical tests; participate 550t/d thin float glass production line and 700t/d (snow 10), roast kilns and glass work hikizu; members of raw materials and the electrical utility system debugging, the company has made its due contribution to the smooth operation.

  在10000v *8000kva*4双电源分段式母线中压配电系统安装和调试时,组织理论与实践操作培训;协助对550t/d和700t/d浮法超薄玻璃生产线的电气调试;参加550t/d和700t/d浮法超薄玻璃生产线烤窑和玻璃引头工作;组织人员对原料系统和公用工程系统的电气调试,为公司的顺利投产做出了应有的贡献。

  7. for the units of rated power up to 400kvaincluded


  8. for the units of rated power 630kva.

  当额定电压为630千伏安时为单位的6 %。

  结语:上文是关于kva是什么意思 kva是什么的相关介绍,相信大家都有了一定的了解,想要了解更多的词汇解释,请继续关注我们网站内容吧!


