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tooth是什么意思 tooth是什么

时间:2020-04-30 19:23:02


  在日常生活中,相信大家应该都有听说过tooth这个英文单词吧?你知道它真正的含义是什么?如果你对这个英文单词也很感兴趣的话,下面我们一起来看看tooth是什么意思 tooth是什么。

tooth是什么意思 tooth是什么

tooth是什么意思 tooth是什么

  tooth是什么意思 tooth是什么



  n. 牙齿


  teethplural /tiːθ/dj /tiθ/kk

  any of the hard white objects in the mouth used for biting and ch****g food 牙;齿

  i've just had a tooth out at the dentist's. 我刚在牙科诊所拔了一颗牙。

  to brush/clean your teeth 刷牙

  tooth decay 龋齿

  false teeth 假牙

  she answered through clenched teeth(= opening her mouth only a little because of anger). 她咬牙切齿地回答。

  the cat sank its teeth into his finger. 那只猫狠狠咬住了他的手指。

  a narrow pointed part that sticks out of an object 齿状部份;齿

  the teeth on a saw 锯齿


  cut your teeth on sth

  to do sth that gives you your first experience of a particular type of work 从…中获得初步经验;初次涉足

  she cut her teeth on local radio. 她初次涉足当地电台。


  cut a tooth

  of a baby 婴儿 to grow a new tooth 出牙;长出新牙


  get your teeth into sthinformal

  to put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into sth that is difficult enough to keep you interested 专注于,全力投入(有一定难度的事)#p#分页标题#e#

tooth是什么意思 tooth是什么

tooth是什么意思 tooth是什么

  choose an essay topic that you can really get your teeth into. 选择一个你可以真正悉心钻研的论文题目。


  have teethbritish english, informal

  of an organization, a law, etc. 组织、法律等 to be powerful and effective 具有强大威力;有杀伤力


  in the teeth of sth

  in spite of problems, opposition, etc. 不管,不顾(困难、反对等)

  the new policy was adopted in the teeth of fierce criticism. 新政策尽管受到强烈的批评,但还是被采用了。

  in the direction that a strong wind is coming from 顶着,迎着(强风)

  they crossed the bay in the teeth of a howling gale. 他们顶着呼啸的狂风渡过了海湾。


  set sb's teeth on edge

  of a sound or taste 声音或味道 to make sb feel physically uncomfortable 使感到身体不舒服

  vt. 给……装齿vi. 啮合[ 复数 teeth 过去式 toothed 过去分词 toothed 现在分词 toothing


  tooth profile 齿形;齿廓

  tooth surface 齿面;轮齿表面

  long in the tooth 岁口大的(马);年迈的,年老的

  tooth decay 蛀牙;龋齿;齵齿

  tooth root [医]齿根;[医]牙根


  vi. 啮合engage


  tooth paste 牙膏

  tooth space[机] 齿槽 ; 齿间 ; [机] 齿隙 ; 齿距

  tooth fairy牙仙;牙仙子; 拔牙齿的妖精 ;牙仙大帝

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