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时间:2020-04-30 18:58:02




  大展宏图 基本解释

       解 释:展:把卷画打开,比喻实现;宏图:比喻宏伟远大的谋略与计划。大规模地实施宏伟远大的计划或抱负。

  大展宏图[dà zhǎn hóng tú]

  词典realize one's ambition:大展宏图。

  词典ride on the crest of success:春风得意;大展宏图;鸿图大展。

  大展宏图 汉英大词典



  大展宏图[dà zhǎn hóng tú]

  realize one's ambition; ride on the crest of success

  大展宏图 网络解释

  1. score big points:31. 势不两立 pit sth against sth | 33.大展宏图score big points | 34. 重整旗鼓 shock sth back to life

  2. give full play to one's ambition:具有远见卓识的企业家 far-sighted entrepreneur |大展宏图give full play to one's ambition | 合法权益 legitimate rights and benefits

  3. realize one's ambition:贴现市场 discount market |大展宏图realize one's ambition | 调整 readjust

  4. realize their ambitions:14.蓝图 blueprint | 16.大展宏图realize their ambitions | 17.法规 laws and regulations

  大展宏图 双语例句

  1. 我想他肯定会在政界大展宏图的

  i think he's got a real future in politics.

  2. 希望你能在新的岗位上大展宏图。



  i hope you can spread your wings in your new post.

  3. 我以为你要在这里大展宏图

  i thought you wanted to|be a success here.

  4. 我们有钱,也有大展宏图的机会。

  we had money and the opportunity to think big.

  5. 有了这些新的机遇,我们可以大展宏图了!

  with all these new opportunities, we can really spread our wings.

  6. 在天时、地利、人和的工作氛围里,使他得以大展宏图。

  we have excellent natural, and the work atmosphere, so he was able to show vision.

  7. 即将过去的2007年,注定是新能源行业大展宏图的一年。

  be about to go 2007, be destined is new energy industry a year when postpone great plan greatly.

  8. 在未来几年将是中源物流做强做实,大展宏图的几年。

  in the next few years will be the source of the logistics of doing it is stronger, ambitious exhibition of a few years.

  9. 他亦如往日一样雄心勃勃,希望在仕途上大展宏图。

  he is still as ambitous as usual and wanna get a promotion.



