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quantity什么意思 quantity是什么

时间:2020-04-30 16:56:02


  quantity什么意思 quantity是什么?当我们听到别人用英语跟你沟通的时候,如果你不懂的就会显得比较紧张。因为担心对方说你这么简单都不懂,那么quantit是什么意思呢?今天我们就来快速为你解答。


  n.量,数量; 定量,大批; 数目; [语音学、韵律学]音量(指元音或音节的长短);


  they will opt for quality **** quantity. 他们会注重质量而不是数量。

  but as the quantity increased, the benefit decreased. 但是随着喝咖啡量的增加,益处反而会减少。

  in the end, perhaps quality will emerge from sheerquantity. 最终,或许高质量的资讯便能从大量数据中脱颖而出。

quantity什么意思 quantity是什么

quantity什么意思 quantity是什么

  the biggest problem is quality not quantity. 最大的问题在于人的素质而不是数量。

  a better editor might have pushed silver to sacrificequantity for keener insight, but the breadth ofexamples undeniably reveal a "pathology ofprediction." 要是本书编辑更优秀一些的话,他或许将督促希尔牺牲数量,撰写更多的深刻见解,但这些例证的广度无可否认地揭示了“预测的病理学”。

  quantity 双语例句

  1. it has a magnitude as well as phase angle. it is a complexquantity.


  2. it is difficult to make due to the complex technology and largequantityof special module...

  另外 ,技术复杂,专用组件多,制造难度大。

  3. it could be found that the higher organic carbon content, the bigger complexquantity.


  4. s idea of his father is a complexquantityfor which the real father is only in part responsible, an indefinitely larger share falling to the son.


  5. the equipment management system is a typical information management system, the equipment management involves the content to be widespread, information complex, the dataquantityis big.


  6. in view of thequantityand complex nature of the proposals involved, the administration decided to prepare a new piece of planning''.


  7. not in the high-temperature (42 degrees above) or fumequantity, moist places such as the use of direct switch on the machine, so as not to affect the efficiency and export of ozone aircraft machine life.

quantity什么意思 quantity是什么

quantity什么意思 quantity是什么


  8. research areas include, but are not exclusive to: resource quality,quantityand sustainability; economics of environmental management; transport and fate of pollutants in the environment; spill prevention and management; remediation of contaminated sites; process modification for pollution prevention; improved energy efficiency and waste treatment and disposal etc.


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