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catherine是什么意思 catherine是什么

时间:2020-04-30 14:48:02


  catherine是什么意思 catherine是什么?虽然现在英语作为我们教科书的重要一门功课,但是很多朋友在上学的时候都学的比较吃力,那么catherine是什么意思呢?今天我们就为不了解的朋友详细的解答。


  catherine 基本解释


  catherine 网络解释

  1. 凯萨琳:亨利七世为子亚瑟 (arthur)娶西班牙公主凯萨琳 (catherine),在亚瑟逝世后,为不致中断与西班牙之关系,又以教宗特许,令次子亨利( henry)与新寡之凯萨琳成婚,以此在国内外获西班牙的强力支持.

catherine是什么意思 catherine是什么

catherine是什么意思 catherine是什么

  2. 凯特琳:一六六八年英王查埋二世(charlesii)向葡萄牙要求把孟买做为布拉甘萨皇家(braganza)王女凯特琳(catherine)的嫁粧,英国如愿以偿,把孟买交给东印度公司,英国才能在西海岸立足,建设新根据地.

  catherine 双语例句

  1.catherinetalese rides her bicycle everywhere — to work, to the theater, out to dinner — and always has a helmet on her head.

  catherine talese现在骑着自行车各处跑,无论去工作、剧场或外出就餐,她一直带着头盔。

  2. the only son of joseph 约瑟夫 andcatherine凯瑟琳 talese, i was the main hope as the inheritor of his business in ocean city, new jersey—as a follower in a craft that had been pridefully practiced by the elders in my father`s family since napoleonic rule in maida, in southern italy.


  3. wilfertcatherinedisplayed a set of data from zimbabwe, for a total of 2055 cases in the 6 weeks to 18-month-old baby in a research project, in which cd4 (the human immunodeficiency index, is a normal 700-1500) is less than 200 mothers, and their infant aids infection rate of 33.7 percent.

  wilfert catherine展示了一组来自津巴布韦的数据,在对总共2055例6周至18个月大的婴儿的研究项目中,其中cd4(人体免疫力指数,正常人是700至1500)小于200的母亲,她们的婴儿艾滋病感染率为33.7%。

  4. with more care for the safety of her new gown than for the comfort of her protegee, mrs. allen made her way through the throng of men by the door, as swiftly as the necessary caution would allow;catherine, however, kept close at her side, and linked her arm too firmly within her friend's to be torn asunder by any common effort of a struggling assembly.

catherine是什么意思 catherine是什么

catherine是什么意思 catherine是什么


  5. i rather think his appearance there was distasteful tocatherine: she was not artful, never played the coquette, and had evidently an objection to her two friends meeting at all; for when heathcliff *******ed contempt of linton in his presence, she could not half coincide, as she did in his absence; and when linton evinced disgust and antipathy to heathcliff, she dared not treat his sentiments with indifference, as if depreciation of her playmate were of scarcely any consequence to her


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