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cda是什么意思 cda是什么

时间:2020-04-29 23:10:02


  cda是什么意思 cda是什么?虽然现在英语作为我们教科书的重要一门功课,但是很多朋友在上学的时候都学的比较吃力,那么cda是什么意思呢?今天我们就为不了解的朋友详细的解答。


  cda 基本解释

  civil defence act 民防法;chain data address 链式数据地址;chenodeoxycholic acid 鹅去氧胆酸;

  cda 网络解释

  1. 铜业发展协会:2.1.7 日本(jis)有色金属及其合金牌号表示方法简介日本没有制定统一的有色金属及其合金牌号表示方法的jis标准,铜及铜合金、铝及铝合金牌号的表示方法,分别参照了美国铜业发展协会(cda)和美国铝业协会(aa)的牌号表示方法.

  2. 对其发放的贷款:cd.对其他公共企业的债权 1 |cda.对其发放的贷款 1 | cdb. 持有其发行的债券 1

cda是什么意思 cda是什么

cda是什么意思 cda是什么

  3. 概念验证飞行器:locaas 低成本自动攻击系统 |cda概念验证飞行器 | stovl 短距起飞/垂直降落

  4. 目录:cda目录: | 01 生日快乐 happy birthday | 02 红河谷 red river valley

  5.cda:critical discourse analysis or; 批评性话语分析

  6.cda:critical discourse analysis; 批评性语篇分析

  7.cda:compressed dry air; 压缩干燥空气

  8.cda:controller/diagnostic aid; 控制器诊断助理

  cda 双语例句

  1. the results indicated that the erythropoietic/granulopoietic ratio was markedly increased with megaloblastic morphology in all stage of erythrocyte.


  2. objective to study effect ofcda-Ⅱ on prevention and therapy of liver cancer metastasis andrecurrence in nude mice.


  3. waxd investigation also indicated that as temperature increased to the melting point of peg, peg/cdaand peg/csn blends changed into an amorphous solid state from crystal state. as a matter of fact, the peg within the blends is the phase change substance, in the transition of blends, crystal peg in the blends changed into an amorphous solid state.


cda是什么意思 cda是什么

cda是什么意思 cda是什么

  4. as the temperature was 50℃ higher than the melting point of peg, peg within these blends did not melt into liquid as the pure peg does, but exhibited a same special solid-solid phase change behavior as that of peg/cellulose blends reported previously.


  5. cda-ii injection is an excellent multi-molecular targeting drug which can selectively inhibit the tumor-inducing function of cytosine methyltransferases to prevent cancer formation without any cytotoxic side effects.


  6. nsda (negative regulator of streptomyces differentiation) gene is a globally negativeregulator gene, which widely exists in streptomyces. s. coelicolor nsda null mutantsproduced more actinorhodin,cda, methylenomycin and spores than wild type strain. compared with the start strain of streptomyces avermitilis nrrl8165, the level ofavermectin produced by s. avermitilis nsda disruption strain increased 3-5 folds, orfxgene is a regulator gene disc****ed in the genome of s. avermitilis in 2003. the level ofactinorhodin and methylenomycin produced by s. lividans tk21 increased dramaticallywhen the dna fragment containing orfx gene was transformed into it. when therecombinant plasmid containing the orfx gene, which was derived from multicopy vector, was transformed into s. avermitilis, the level of avermectin was elevated prominently.

  nsda基因(negative regulator of streptomyces differentiation)是一个在链霉菌基因组中广泛存在的全局性负调控因子,天蓝色链霉菌的nsda基因中断菌株能够提前且超量产生放线紫红素、钙依赖抗生素和次甲基霉素,同时产*量也相应增多;阿维链霉菌nrrl8165的nsda基因中断菌株的阿维菌素产量较出发菌株提高3-5倍。orfx基因是2003年在阿维链霉菌中发现的一个调控基因,研究发现含orfx基因的dna片段转化变铅青链霉菌tk21后能显著提高放线紫红素和十一烷基灵菌红素的产量;用多拷贝质粒构建包含orfx基因的dna片段的重组质粒,转化阿维链霉菌后显著提高了阿维菌素的产量。

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