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identity是什么意思 identity是什么

时间:2020-04-29 21:30:01


  相信精通英文的人对“identity”这个词汇是非常了解的,它的解释、用法分为很多种,就看你怎么运用了。那么,接下来,小编就带大家了解下“identity是什么意思 identity是什么”吧!

identity是什么意思 identity是什么

identity是什么意思 identity是什么

  identity是什么意思 identity是什么




  abu was not his real name, but his name for disguise.阿布不是他的真名,是他用于伪装身份的名字。

  the police soon established his true identity and he was quickly found.警方不久就查出了他的真实身份,并很快找到了他。

  it's a black comedy of racial prejudice, mistaken identity and thwarted expectations.这是一个关于种族歧视、身份错位和期望落空的黑色喜剧。

  spanish identity documents state the bearer's profession.西班牙的身份证件会注明证件持有者的职业。

  the bus was stopped and silence fell on the passengers as the police checked identity cards.公交车被拦住了,警察检查身份证时,乘客们鸦雀无声。

identity是什么意思 identity是什么

identity是什么意思 identity是什么

  the suspect had refused to give any details of his identity and had carried no documents on his person.嫌疑犯拒绝说出他的具体身份,而且身上没有携带任何身份证明。

  protecting yourself from identity theft is a matter of treating all your personal and financial documents as top secret information.要保护自己个人身份信息免遭盗用,就要把所有的个人与财务文档视为绝密信息。

  at the end of the book the child's true identity is disc****ed, and the bad guys get their just deserts.在书的结尾,那个孩子的真实身份大白于世,坏人则得到了应有的惩罚。

  microchips embedded in passports and driver licenses can effectively reduce fraudulent identities.


  this certificate contains identity credentials and has a pair of private keys and public keys associated with it.这个证书中包含身份凭证,并且具有一对与之相关联的私钥和公钥。

  identification and compliance management of services through appropriate service levels, security design and implementation.通过适当的服务水平安全性设计和实现对服务进行标识和遵从性管理。

  编后语:通过以上小编为大家解释了“identity是什么意思 identity是什么”的内容后,大家对此是不是有所了解了呢?如果想知道更多内容,请关注我们哦!


