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抽风什么意思 抽风是什么

时间:2021-04-22 13:40:02


  抽风什么意思 抽风是什么?对于这个网络时代,可能每天都有人创造出网络新词,这些词语非常有趣,那么抽风是什么意思?今天我们就为给各位不懂的朋友好好解答一番。


  抽风 基本解释

  抽风[chōu fēng]

  词典convulsions:**;震动;抽搐,哄堂大笑,社会**;抽搐( convulsion的名词复数 );大笑。

  词典fall into convulsions:发惊厥。


  词典draw in air with a kind of device:抽风。

  词典induced draft:抽风;进气通风,诱导通风;吸风。

抽风什么意思 抽风是什么

抽风什么意思 抽风是什么

  抽风 汉英大词典

  抽风[chōu fēng]

  {医} (惊厥; 痉挛; 抽搐) fall into convulsions; covulsions; convulsive seizures; spasms; cramps

  (把空气抽进来) draw in air with a kind of device; induced draft

  [口] [贬] (言行不正常) behave like a crazy person

  抽风 网络解释

  1. suction draft:suctiondamper 吸入口调节门 | suctiondraft抽风| suctiondraft 吸力通风

  2. air extracting:air extract || 抽气 | air extracting ||抽风| air extracting pump || 抽气机,抽气泵

  抽风 双语例句

  1. 基于马钢球团原料条件,在模拟试验装置中研究了链箅机—回转窑氧化球团生产的料层高度、鼓风干燥热风温度、抽风干燥热风温度、预热热风温度和回转窑焙烧等工艺参数。

  based on the raw material conditions of pelletizing process at ma steel the process parameters, such as bed depth of grate, temperatures of updraught drying, downdraught drying, preheating and roasting in oxidized pellet production were studied with a grate-kiln simulator.

  2. 防爆阻燃器内填充蛭石块,顶部设有供水管及喷头使其内保持湿润;经防爆阻燃器冷却降温的甲苯气体输入焚烧炉进行燃烧分解成二氧化碳气体及水汽,最后经抽风机输送到排气烟囱释放在大气中,达到有毒有害气体甲苯的无害化处理。

  wherein, the anti-explosion flame-proof device is filled with vermiculite blocks; the top part is mounted with water supply tube and ejector to keep wet; the toluene gas that cooled by anti-explosion flame-proof device is fed into the incinerator to be decomposed into carbon dioxide and water, then, the exhaust fan feeds it to the gas discharge chimney to be released.

抽风什么意思 抽风是什么

抽风什么意思 抽风是什么

  3. 也不是因为他抽风的手感,他并不是这样的。

  not with a shaky handle, he`s not.

  4. 由此锡发黑剂配制的锡发黑液含有氟化氢铵,稳定,没有异味,不用抽风装置,完全可以自动化生产。

  the blackening agent for tin contains ammonium hydrogen fluoride, and is stable without peculiar smell; it is totally suitable for automatic production with no need of ventilation.

  5. 本机采用特殊搅拌直接将输料筒中的锡渣进行搅拌熔解后进入分离筒进行分离,在高速旋转的螺旋叶片带动下使分离系统中的锡和灰分开。本机还带抽风过滤及冷却装置。

  the machine is equipped with exhaust filter and cooling fittings.

  6. 工作元理是使用水泵作为循环与喷雾的前进力,在喷房的一边或者三面产生水濂,在喷雾房内产生喷雾,喷涂或者磨擦时型成的漆雾或者尘士,在强效抽风作用以及影晌下经过水濂时随水势到水池内,剩余的通过喷雾室重新冲冼由排风机抽走,进而使排到室外的空气air达到和实现最好的诘白作用,满意环境保护请求。

  working principle is the power that uses water pump to serve as loop and sparge, the one side in gush room or 3 form shui lian, sparge is formed inside gush fog chamber, the qi wu of the generation when spray paint or burnish or dir

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