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eric什么意思 eric是什么

时间:2021-04-16 20:50:02


  eric什么意思 eric是什么?虽然现在英语作为我们教科书的重要一门功课,但是很多朋友在上学的时候都学的比较吃力,那么eric是什么意思呢?今天我们就为不了解的朋友详细的解答。


  eric 基本解释

  educational resources information center 科教资源信息中心;

  eric 网络解释

  1. 艾瑞克:6人ncaa平均得分两位数,同为198公分、97公斤的21岁双胞胎波利兹(politz),本季帮俄亥俄迈阿密大学拿到中美区冠军,跻身ncaa64强,提姆(tim)波利兹平均得16.1分、5.6篮板、五成七四命中率,艾瑞克(eric)波利兹则任替补.

  2. 艾力:塞雷娜.范德伍德森(serena)是莉莉和keith van der woodsen的大女儿;母亲是社交名媛及前芭蕾舞者;父亲是亿万富翁;她有个男同性恋的弟弟叫艾力(eric). serena的父母在她小时就离婚了,serena和eric就和她母亲居住. 在去寄宿学校前,

eric什么意思 eric是什么

eric什么意思 eric是什么

  3.eric:educational resources information center; 科教资源信息中心(美国)

  4.eric:educational resource information centers; 教育资源信息中心

  5.eric:educational research information center; 成立教育研究资料中心

  eric 双语例句

  1. this rough magic - this rough magic, by mercedes lackey,ericflint, and dave freer (multiple formats at thefifthimperium. com)...


  2. lines in recognition ofericlamarque, the canadian truck driver who this past week caused extensive damage to the mass pike's brand-new allston u-turn.

  线路识别李家祥lamarque ,加拿大卡车司机的人,这在过去一周造成广泛损害群众派克的崭新allston区掉头的。

  3. affidavit in support of criminal complaint i,ericgriffin, a civilian citizen in the...


  4. thinking back to that winter's night of 60 years ago, it is not just that hurtling mass of steam and metal that comes to mind but what went before and came after: the fumbled lock, the pause at the stile to catch breath, the broken bootlace, all the circumstances leading up to that fatal conjunction of metal and flesh; and then the ripples spreading outward, the womanericdidn't marry, the children he didn't have, the house where someone else is living.

eric什么意思 eric是什么

eric什么意思 eric是什么


  5. all these years,erichad lived as a recluse.


  6. all these years,erichad lived a recluse life.


  7. eric talley fell in love with a cappella music the very first time that he heard it.

  作者简介:第一次听到阿卡贝拉音乐的时候,eric talley 就爱上了它。

  8. just now,ericpraised the singing of this girl. let us listen to the singing of hui lan


  9. i spent sunday afternoon brooding **** a great piece of times reporting byericdash and julie creswell about citigroup.


  10. hope tina has a good achievement on study in school, hopeerichas a fun with violine, hope wenyi has a smooth process on marathon, hope qiu ming has a relaxation with housework and working.


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