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志在千里是什么意思 志在千里是什么

时间:2021-04-16 12:38:01


  志在千里是什么意思 志在千里是什么?成语是我们展示文化水平的一种方式,但是很多成语我们都可能未必知道它的意思,那么志在千里是什么意思?今天我们就给各位不懂的朋友好好解答一番。


  志在千里 基本解释

  志在千里[zhì zài qiān lǐ]

  词典one aims for the far-off future.:志在千里。

  词典have [cherish] a great [far-reaching] ambition

志在千里是什么意思 志在千里是什么

志在千里是什么意思 志在千里是什么

  志在千里 汉英大词典

  志在千里[zhì zài qiān lǐ]

  one aims for the far-off future.; have [cherish] a great [far-reaching] ambition

  志在千里 网络解释

  1. hitch your wagon to a star:別狗咬呂洞賓,不識好人心 don't bite the hand that feeds you. |志在千里hitch your wagon to a star. | 否極泰來 after a storm comes a calm.

  志在千里 双语例句

  1. 马骏的奋斗就这样悄无声息的展开,由一位不善于言辞的严厉教师,飞速进化成一位创业企业的ceo,这一质的飞跃,承载了太多马骏个人的喜怒哀愁,从不善于发言的腼腆,到即兴演讲的激扬,马骏这匹良骥开始迈向他志在千里的战旅。

志在千里是什么意思 志在千里是什么

志在千里是什么意思 志在千里是什么

  of ma jun struggle to sad so of silence spread out, do not be good at the earnest teacher of one's words by, flying evolution becomes the ceo of a poineering enterprise, this leaps character, bore the weight of the happy anger of individual of fine horse of too much horse is sad, what never be good at a speech is undemonstrative, to impromptu speech stimulate raise, ma jun this fine as thoroghbred horse begin to march toward his annals to be in the warfare troops of a thousand li.

  2. 老骥伏枥,志在千里。它那斑驳的身躯在他们前头款款而行,随后又像头小牛犊那样一溜烟儿跑开了。

  an old steed in the stable still aspires to gallop a thousand li; old as he is, he still cheriches high aspirations.

  3. 老练、老成、老手、老马识途、老马嘶风、老当益壮、老谋深算、老成持重、老成练达、老松耐寒、老骥伏枥,志在千里、老将出马,一人顶两、树老根须多,人老见识多、生姜老的辣、老凤清于雏凤声、不听老人言,吃亏在眼前

  before doing something, chinese will trace back to the old experience trying to get some successful tips.

  4. 布隆伯格志在千里。他希望在全州范围内征收汽水税,却遭到了纽约州**的反对。

  mr bloomberg wants to do more. but new york state rebuffed his bid for a statewide soda tax.

  5. 老骥伏枥、志在千里轰-6轰炸机在现代战争中作用的探讨

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