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一臂之力是什么意思 一臂之力是什么

时间:2021-04-14 12:40:02


  一臂之力是什么意思 一臂之力是什么?成语是我们展示文化水平的一种方式,但是很多成语我们都可能未必知道它的意思,那么一臂之力是什么意思?今天我们就给各位不懂的朋友好好解答一番。


  一臂之力 基本解释

  一臂之力[yī bì zhī lì]

  词典a he**ing hand:一臂之力;帮助,支持。

  词典give sb. a leg up:助某人一臂之力;助以一臂。

一臂之力是什么意思 一臂之力是什么

一臂之力是什么意思 一臂之力是什么

  词典lend a hand [an arm]


  一臂之力 汉英大词典

  一臂之力[yī bì zhī lì]

  a he**ing hand; give sb. a leg up; lend a hand [an arm]; mite:


  lend me a hand.

  一臂之力 双语例句

  1. 国会必须通过责任保护法,以保护那些据信在保卫美国的行动中提供了一臂之力的公司。

  congress must pass liability protection for companies believed to have assisted in the efforts to defend america.

  2. 国会必须通过责任保护法,以保护那些据信在保卫美国的行动中提供了一臂之力的公司。

  the congress must pass liability protection for companies believed to have assisted in the efforts to defend america.

  3. 不论你是一个新手或者有过各种打结的经验,掌中结都能助你一臂之力。

  all you have to do is successfully hit the target 5 times, and your christmas greeting will appear.

  4. 我们将以优质的设计和优良的施工为企业发展助一臂之力。

  we will design and excellent quality of the construction of he**ing hand for enterprise development.

  5. 我触壁前的最后一划非常有力,因为这将助翻转一臂之力。

一臂之力是什么意思 一臂之力是什么

一臂之力是什么意思 一臂之力是什么

  my last stroke going to the wall is a very strong stroke, 'cause this is the stroke that is going to propell me*****.

  6. 麦可站在花架下面避开了她们的视线。并且准备好要助他们一臂之力。

  michael stood out of sight under the awning-planter, ready to h***.

  7. 我相信他会助我们一臂之力的。

  i am sure that he will give us a leg up.

  8. 如果您的企业存在海外商账追收困难,我们将能助您一臂之力。

  if you are having trouble collecting money from your clients outside of china we can definitely do our best to he** you.

  9. 郴州良实机械有限公司将以优良的产品,实在的价格,优质的服务为您的事业发展助上一臂之力。

  chenzhou is machinery co., ltd. will be good quality products, is the price, quality service to the development of the cause for your he** on hand.

  10. (不,如果你想死的话,我能助你一臂之力!

  no~if you want to die, i can he** you a he**ing hand!

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