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family name是什么意思

时间:2021-04-07 19:54:02


  family name是什么意思?当我们听到别人用英语跟你沟通的时候,如果你不懂的就会显得比较紧张。因为担心对方说你这么简单都不懂,那么family name是什么意思呢?今天我们就来快速为你解答。

  family name是什么意思

  family name 基本解释


  family name 网络解释

  1. 姓氏:众多英文姓氏(familyname)的一种. 在这个单词中,h作为开头字母不发音,整个单词发音为[su:]

family name是什么意思

family name是什么意思

  2. 你的姓:第一题:你的姓(familyname)及名字(givenname)在(surname)空格上填上你的姓氏,及在其後的空格上填上你的名字. 请填上你姓名的正确英文拼写法,即使移民官员曾经在你的其它文件上写错你的姓名又或者你使用假证件来加拿大,

  3. 氏:在国外,一个家庭的姓氏(familyname)是含意很深的,通常姓不容易跟别人一样,有些在拼字上都会做一些小改变,中国人的姓却是百家姓,所以学校师长点名都是习惯叫名字.

  family name 双语例句

  1. hisnameis wen zhong qui. he tested into a key high school of the area in 二00四 but hisfamily`s p****ty left him with no means to continue his education.


  2. in terms of the custom of unilateral lopsidedness in matrimony andfamily, this article probes into the origin of confines of child|bearing culture, and finds out that unilateral lopsidedness infamilynameinherit, social succession, kindred and dwelling patterns are the important causes in formation of confines of child|bearing culture.


  3. locke asks if it is lawful for meliboeus (anameborrowed from pastoral poetry) to slaughter a calf and offer it as a sacrifice at a religious meeting. it depends, he says, on whether slaughtering a calf in order to put food on hisfamily`s table is lawful.

family name是什么意思

family name是什么意思


  4. this is the origin of thefamilynamema.


  5. above words are written to show sincere thanks to you all innameof myfamily, tang, xuan and me, and all best wishes to you forever!


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