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black iris是什么意思

时间:2021-03-15 17:47:02


  不知道头脑聪明的你们有没有听说过black iris这个英文单词呢?你们知道它真正的含义是什么吗?如果你对这个英文单词也很感兴趣的话,下面我们一起来看看black iris是什么意思。

black iris是什么意思

black iris是什么意思

  black iris是什么意思

  black iris是指黑色鸢尾。

  black iris的双语例句

  1. processing functions include sync and blank insertion, white andblackclip, automatic gain control, gamma correct, auto-iris, correlated double sampling, edge enhancement, character insertion, and video windowing.


  2. theblackdiaphragm intraocular lens implantation provides an effective method in th e treatment of congenital aniridia or traumaticirisdeficiency. chamber angle impair is major cause of postoperative secondary glaucoma.


  3. my mother wore a lovely gown of sea green chiffon cloth embroidered with pale mauveirisand trimmed with mauve velvet; she wore her largeblackvelvet hat with long white plumes.


  4. a case of congenital aniridia cataract implantedblackirisdiaphragm intraocular lens.


  5. conclusion: suture fixation withirisblackdiaphragm iol implantation is an effective method for the treatment of iridocoloboma and traumatic cataract with iridocoloboma, but as the iol is expensive and postoperative uveal inflammatory reaction is serious, patient should be selected cautiously.

black iris是什么意思

black iris是什么意思


  6. it is the combination ofblacklevels, rapidirisaction, ansi contrast and full on/off contrast that produces the final impression of snap, sparkle and three-dimensionality on the screen.


  7. the above eye's signs indicate the pathological changes of heart, lung and spleen; but uveitis has even closer relations with liver and kidney, because the mainly appearing signs of the uveitis patients areiriscongestion, contracted pupil or pupil adhesion, and eyes anteriorblac*******. so treating uveitis by differentiation of syndromes, in the acute stage the main principle should be eliminating the pathogenic factor and removing the heat, toxicity, dampness and stasis of zang and fu; and in the chronic stage, strengthening the body resistance, nourishing the liver and the kidney.


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