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bonobo是什么意思 bonobo是什么

时间:2021-03-14 21:23:03


  bonobo是什么意思 bonobo是什么?虽然现在英语作为我们教科书的重要一门功课,但是很多朋友在上学的时候都学的比较吃力,那么bonobo是什么意思呢?今天我们就为不了解的朋友详细的解答。


  bonobo 基本解释


  bonobo 网络解释

  1. 倭黑猩猩:在大约相同时间,另一支分支则**为共同黑猩猩(common chimpanzee)的祖先与倭黑猩猩(bonobo)的祖先,这种进化仍不断在所有生命里进行. 直立人(homo erectus)最晚在七十九万年前掌握了控制火的能力,但可能早于一百五十万年前已经掌握了.

bonobo是什么意思 bonobo是什么

bonobo是什么意思 bonobo是什么

  2. 烧烤鱿鱼卷:41 忧郁的街道----bergman | 42 烧烤鱿鱼卷----bonobo| 43 香脆火辣的烤翅----boom bip

  3. 复合文档技术:atk--可达性工具包 |bonobo--复合文档技术 | gobject--用于c语言的面向对象框架

  bonobo 双语例句

  1. thebonobo, sometimes called the pygmy chimpanzee, is one of the two species comprising the genus pan; both members are chimpanzees, though the term is frequently used to refer only to pan troglodytes, the common chimpanzee.

  bonobo又被称为侏儒黑猩猩,是属于 pan 属中的两各种类之一,因为两种都是属于黑猩猩,所以通常把 pan troglodytes 称为普通黑猩猩。

  2. because of the similar morphological traits between bonobos and humans, some anthropologists consider thebonoboto be the best living prototype for the common ancestor of humans.


  3. bonobos diverged from common chimpanzees after the last common chimpanzee ancestor diverged from its last common ancestor with humans.


  4. around that time, a population of african apes broke up into several populations, of one proceeded to evolve into modern gorillas, a second into the two modern chimpanzees the common chimpanzee, and thebonobo, and the third into humans.

bonobo是什么意思 bonobo是什么

bonobo是什么意思 bonobo是什么


  5. habitat: unlike the common chimpanzee, which lives in a variety of habitats, thebonobois found primarily in lowland rain forests.


  6. compared to the common chimpanzee, the body weight of thebonobois proportioned differently; the center of gravity is lower, making it possible for thebonoboto stand more erect and walk bipedally.


  7. nowbonobos, the other chimp species, or pan paniscus, enjoy horsing around well into adulthood.


  8. thebonobo, or pan paniscus, is closely related to man and known for resolving squabbles through sex rather than violence.

  倭黑猩猩,或称为pan paniscus,和人类较为接近,它们不用暴力,而用性来解决争吵的行为很有名气。

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