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piece是什么意思 piece是什么

时间:2021-02-23 18:50:02


  在如今的网络世界里,我们常常会听到这个那个比较新鲜的词语,而“piece”就是其中的一个。那么,你知道“piece是什么意思 piece是什么”吗?下面就跟随小编来了解了解吧!

piece是什么意思 piece是什么

piece是什么意思 piece是什么

  piece是什么意思 piece是什么


  块, 件, 片, 篇, 张, 条, 硬币


  接合, 修补, 凑合


  1. a separate part of a whole

  2. an item that is an instance of some type;

  3. a portion of a natural object


  4. a musical work that has been created

  同义词:musical composition, opus, composition, piece of music

  5. an instance of some kind


  6. an artistic or literary composition

  7. a portable gun

  同义词:firearm, small-arm

  8. a serving that has been cut from a larger portion


  9. a distance

  10. a work of art of some artistic value

  同义词:objet d'art, art object

  11. a period of indeterminate length (usually short) marked by some action or condition

  同义词:while, spell, patch

  12. a share of something


  13. game equipment consisting of an object used in playing certain board games



  1. to join or unite the pieces of


  2. create by putting components or members together

  同义词:assemble, put together, set up, tack, tack together

  3. join during spinning

  4. eat intermittently; take small bites of

  同义词:nibble, pick

  5. repair by adding pieces


piece是什么意思 piece是什么

piece是什么意思 piece是什么


  a piece of cake 轻松[愉快]的事情

  a piece of flesh [方]娘儿们, 女人; 人

  a piece of goods (粗鄙语)“货”; 娘儿们, 女人, 小孩

  a piece of luck 一件幸运的事, 侥幸

  a piece of work 作品, 产品, 一项工作 费力的工作, 困难的事情

  a nasty piece of work [口]讨厌的家伙; 下流坯

  a nasty bit of work [口]讨厌的家伙; 下流坯

  (all) of a piece 成为一个整体 同性质, (与...)一致

  all to pieces 成碎片 [作表语]疲惫不堪的 [作表语]神经受撼动的, 失去控制力的 完全地, 彻底地

  break to pieces 使成为碎片

  break into pieces 使成为碎片

  break in pieces 使成为碎片

  break sth. to pieces 使成为碎片

  break sth. into pieces 使成为碎片

  break sth. in pieces 使成为碎片

  by the piece 按件计算

  come to pieces 破碎, 碎裂; 身体[精神]垮下来; 瓦解, 崩溃

  go to pieces 破碎, 碎裂; 身体[精神]垮下来; 瓦解, 崩溃

  cut to pieces 切成碎片 击溃 议论[批评]某人, 把(某人)批评得体无完肤

  pick to pieces 切成碎片 击溃 议论[批评]某人, 把(某人)批评得体无完肤

  fall to pieces 跌得粉碎 完全坏了 瓦解

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