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还音是什么意思 还音是什么

时间:2020-04-28 17:24:02


  还音是什么意思 还音是什么?听到这个问题很多网友可能也是直接蒙圈了,现在很少用到这样的词汇。小编整理了还音的相关解释,希望对你有所帮助。下面就跟着小编一起看看相关的信息吧。


  还音 基本解释

  还音[huán yīn]


  词典sound reproduction:放音;放声,声重发,(电影)还音。

  还音 汉英大词典

  还音[huán yīn]

还音是什么意思 还音是什么

还音是什么意思 还音是什么

  playback; sound reproduction

  还音 双语例句

  1. 常见的多声道还音系统都是利用基于感知模拟的技术进行设计的。

  common multi-channel sound systems are also technology design based on the perception model.

  2. 这个警告将不影响当今的过程只是适当的解释配音还音为什么没发生。

  this warning will not affect the current process and is only in place to explain why playback did not occur.

  3. 安装、维护和修理电子设备和系统,如音视频还音设备,家庭娱乐设施,计算机和电子安全系统。

  installs, maintains and repairs electronic equipment and systems such as audio and visual reproduction equipment, **** entertainment systems, computers and electronic security systems.

  4. gb/t13157-199135mm影片光学声迹的还音电声频率响应特性

  ****all electro-acoustic frequency response for repro duction of 35mm optical sound track-reproduction characteristics

  5. 该电路被珠江牌电影放映设备采用后,有关还音质量指标**高于部颁标准的规定。

  after being adopted by the pearl river brand cine-projector, this circuit's sound-reproduction quality indices are proved much higher than the standard indices issued by the ministry of machinery industry.

还音是什么意思 还音是什么

还音是什么意思 还音是什么

  6. 影视录还音的频率加权原理

  the principle of frequency weighting for sound recording and reproducing in motion-picture and television


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