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toyota是什么意思 toyota是什么

时间:2021-01-30 16:14:02


  toyota是什么意思 toyota是什么?当我们听到别人用英语跟你沟通的时候,如果你不懂的就会显得比较紧张。因为担心对方说你这么简单都不懂,那么toyota是什么意思呢?今天我们就来快速为你解答。


  toyota 基本解释


  toyota 网络解释

  1. (日)丰田汽车公司:近日,丰田汽车公司(toyota)陆续在美国、欧洲及中国宣布召回油门踏板有问题车子,引发全球toyota车主的忧虑. 大马丰田汽车公司早前强调,大马所出售的所有丰田和凌志(lexus)是和美国召回的丰田汽车不一样供应商,不必召回.

toyota是什么意思 toyota是什么

toyota是什么意思 toyota是什么

  toyota 双语例句

  1. thetoyotaautomobile group corporation of japan (there-after refer to astoyota), it's scale is the first in japan and the third in the world.


  2. the antilock braking system of thetoyotalexus ls400 car is a three chanell antilock braking system with an independent control on two front wheels and with a same control on two rear wheels based on rule of choicing low configuration, working principle and function as well as method of inspection and measurement of electronical computer lead terminals of the abs in the car is presented

  凌志ls400轿车的abs是一种对两前轮采用**控制、对两后轮根据低选原则进行同一控制的三通道防抱死制动系统。介绍了凌志ls400轿车防抱死制动系统的组成、工作原理,以及该车的abs 电脑引出脚的功能及检测方法。

  3. in the ad,toyotaalso reminded vehicle owners to bring their vehicles to their dealerships for repair.


  4. the largest car manufacturer in the world, japan'stoyotamotor corporation, recently published a ful***age advertisement in various major newspapers in the us, such as the new york times, in apology to owners oftoyotavehicles.


  5. gerard killmann, director of power train development fortoyotamotor europe, sees the plug-in hybrid as the bridge between combustion engines and electric cars. with these models, which aren't yet widely available to consumers, drivers can make short trips purely on electric power but can switch to a gas-electric hybrid drive for longer trips.

toyota是什么意思 toyota是什么

toyota是什么意思 toyota是什么

  丰田汽车欧洲公司的培训发展总监gerard killmann把可外接充电式混合动力汽车看成为内燃机汽车和电动汽车的连接桥梁,这项还没有广泛提供给消费者的设计,可以根据驾驶员的需要进行调整,短途旅行可以完全依靠电力,长途旅行可以切换到天然气与电能的混合动力。

  6. in total, three tests were conducted and included the use of a smart fortwo, a honda fit and atoyotayaris.

  共有三个试验进行,其中包括使用smart fortwo的,一个本田fit和丰田yaris 。

  7. two other vehicle, the honda fit with standard side air bags and thetoyotayaris equipped with optional side air bags, also got good ratings in front and side tests.

  另外两款车,配备了标准气囊的本田和配备了可选择囊的toyota yaris也在前面的测试中取得了好成绩。

  8. hp quality door doortoyotarecall asus high price of this series of claims the door hidden behind the quality, the existing mode of operation is what business problem?


  9. toyota showed three versions of the winglet, including one that can be folded up and carried around.


  上文就关于toyota是什么意思 toyota是什么的相关解答,相信看完后你就懂了,为了帮助更多朋友能解答不懂的词汇,我们整理了最专业的知识。


