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溘然长逝是什么意思 溘然长逝是什么

时间:2021-01-27 16:46:01


  溘然长逝是什么意思 溘然长逝是什么?成语是我们展示文化水平的一种方式,但是很多成语我们都可能未必知道它的意思,那么溘然长逝是什么意思?今天我们就给各位不懂的朋友好好解答一番。




  溘然长逝(kè rán cháng shì)

溘然长逝是什么意思 溘然长逝是什么

溘然长逝是什么意思 溘然长逝是什么





  “延至十二月十五日,即溘然长逝。” ***《我的生活》第七章


  溘然长逝 双语例句

  1. 她躺下,把脸转向墙壁,便溘然长逝了。

  she lay down and, turning her face to the wall, passed away.

  2. 她再一次勉力笑了笑,于是溘然长逝了。

  she tried to smile once more and expired.

  3. 她躺下,把脸转向墙壁,便溘然长逝了。

  lay down she lay down and, turning her face to the wall, passed away.

  4. 他哥哥溘然长逝他非常伤心。

溘然长逝是什么意思 溘然长逝是什么

溘然长逝是什么意思 溘然长逝是什么

  he was very cut up when his brother died suddenly.

  5. 科学与技术之力已被忘却,溘然长逝,无以挽回。

  forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned.

  6. 罗京溘然长逝,带给我们悲痛与惋惜,但唯有记住他的笑容,也许才是最合适的慰藉。

  though the passing of luo jing brings us pain, it's only fitting to remember his smiles with happiness.

  7. 上周,年已81岁的卡拉扬在他萨尔斯堡的家中溘然长逝,不能不使得他身后的音乐界黯然失色。

  his death last week at his **** near salzburg at81 left the world of music a paler, more plebeian place.

  8. 距离一战在这里爆发已有百年春秋。当年从这片战略重地上绵延几千里的泥泞战壕中活着出来的将士们,如今也都早已溘然长逝,白骨入土。

  it has been 100 years since world war i erupted in these parts. the men who survived the thousands of miles of muddy trenches that surrounded this strategically important region are long gone and buried.

  9. 手术没有成功,马奈于1883年4月30日溘然长逝,终年51岁。

  the operation was unsuccessful and he died on30 april, 1883 at the age of51.

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