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时间:2020-04-28 13:21:02




  心烦意乱 基本解释

  心烦意乱[xīn fán yì luàn]

  词典be confused in mind:心烦意乱。

  词典annoyed and perplexed:心烦意乱。

  词典be perturbed:心烦;心烦意乱;发慌。

  词典be terribly upset:心烦意乱。



  心烦意乱 汉英大词典

  心烦意乱[xīn fán yì luàn]

  be confused in mind; annoyed and perplexed; be perturbed; be terribly upset; confused and worried; feel worried; have a troubled heart and a perplexed mind; in an emotional turmoil; out of sorts; one's head is swimming.; one's mind is in a whirl.; upset; w

  心烦意乱 网络解释

  1. she had some trouble with herself:beauty queen of only eighteen 十八岁的美丽公主 | she had some trouble with herself心烦意乱| he was always there to he** her 他总是去帮助她

  2. upset:uprouse 唤醒 | upset心烦意乱| upside down 颠倒

  3. be hot under the collar:pay sb back in his own coin 以其之道还治其身 | be hot under the collar心烦意乱| in one's true color依其本色

  4. go to pieces:keep one's eye on the ball 密切关注周围的事情 | go to pieces心烦意乱| a wet blanket 使人扫兴的人或事

  心烦意乱 双语例句

  1. 让你的伴侣知道你的感受,如果你心烦意乱并开始争论。

  let your partner know how you feel if you are upset and an argument starts.

  2. 有些人让你心烦意乱



  the ones that make you come unglued.

  3. 从声音听他本人也有些昏头昏脑,心烦意乱,我得请你帮个忙,我刚刚接到美国一位颇有影响的主教的电话。

  i have a favor to ask of you. i just received a call from an influential american bishop.

  4. 你在电话里与你的女朋友,她心烦意乱。

  you're on the phone with your girlfriend, shes upset.

  5. 在合适的网站学习:学生可能会拼错网址,可能会在商业站点里变的心烦意乱。

  surf in shallow waters: surfing students misspell site addresses and become distracted by commercial sites.

  6. 他的话使她心烦意乱。

  what he said dislocated her mind.



