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仓颉是什么意思 仓颉是什么

时间:2021-01-15 19:23:03


  仓颉是什么意思 仓颉是什么?对于这个网络时代,可能每天都有人创造出网络新词,这些词语非常有趣,那么仓颉是什么意思?今天我们就为给各位不懂的朋友好好解答一番。


  仓颉 基本解释

  仓颉[cāng jié ]

  词典cang jie:仓颉。

  词典a surname:姓。

  仓颉 汉英大词典

  仓颉[cāng jié]

  (传说中创造汉字的人) cang jie (the inventor of chinese characters in legand)

  仓颉 网络解释

仓颉是什么意思 仓颉是什么

仓颉是什么意思 仓颉是什么

  1. ts'ang chie:659. 载湉 tsai-t'ien | 660.仓颉ts'ang chie | 661. 曹植 ts'ao chih

  仓颉 双语例句

  1. 实验二,我们要求仓颉及注音使用者去判断连续呈现的两个字是否有字形相同、声母相同或韵母相同。

  in experiment 2, habitual cangjie and zhuyin users were asked to judge whether two sequentially presented characters shared an orthographic component, shared the onset consonant, or shared the rhyme.

  2. 指语是仓颉输入法的一种,原则上不论手放在何处,只要按照一定的规则,电脑就可由指关节运动的位置,读出主人所输入的字码。

  finger language is one of the cangjie methods of keying in the computer. theoretically, no matter where the hand is placed, as long as a particular protocol is followed, the computer will be able to read the keyed-in characters by detecting which finger joints have been moved.


  cang jie also made note of that with tim rope, hanging shellfish have not arrived in time.

  4. 文祥说:「这就是仓颉法为人误解之处,妳说的是写法,我说的是定义。

  you`re talking about how to write a character, but i was talking about meaning.

  5. 相传,中国的汉字是仓颉发明的。

  it is said that cang jie created the chinese writing system.

  6. 据电脑告诉我,他内部的思维方式,完全是以『仓颉字母』的观念进行的

  according to the computer, its internal thinking patterns all accord with the concepts of `c. j.

  7. 最初的版本是由中国人发明仓颉根据许多历史纪录。

  its original version was invented by chinese cang jie according to many history records.

  8. 据传说,中国文字是传说中的黄帝的官吏仓颉c。

仓颉是什么意思 仓颉是什么

仓颉是什么意思 仓颉是什么

  according to legend, chinese characters were invented by cangjie c.

  9. 我们的祖先仓颉在造字的时候,就把人字写成这样,就是在告诉我们这个亘古不变做人的道理。

  our ancestors cang jie created characters of the time, put the word written in this way, is telling us that this everlasting truth in life.

  10. 山东没什么可nb的,只是山东有个造字的仓颉而已!

  shandong have nothing to nb, but shandong has a defined the changjei!

  11. 在《诗经》之前,在《尚书》之前,在仓颉造字之前,一只小羊在啮草时猛然感到的多汁

  one day, all of a sudden, through each and every form of animated beings, went an unspeakable pulse of strange happiness.

  12. 就在最近,我读到了一本著名学者柏杨先生的名著《中国人史纲》,其中的一个章节谈到了关于仓颉造字的神话传说。

  very recently i read a history book by boyang, one of the established writers of the field, a passage in which is about a legendary god cangjie, who created the chinese characters.

  上文就关于仓颉是什么意思 仓颉是什么的相关解答,如果你在工作中或者生活中遇到一些不懂的英语或者网络新词就登陆我们网站来查阅吧!


