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cut myself是什么意思 cut myself是什么

时间:2021-01-08 16:48:02


  不知道各位朋友们对“cut myself”这个词语有没有进一步去了解过呢?这对英文不熟悉的人来说,肯定是不了解的啊!那么,下面小编就给大家讲解下“cut myself是什么意思 cut myself是什么”吧!

cut myself是什么意思

cut myself是什么意思

  cut myself是什么意思 cut myself是什么


  cut myself的英文例句

  i cut myself with a sharp knife.我用一个锋利的刀伤到了自己。

  i cut myself while i was cutting meat.当我切肉时,割伤了自己。

  superman wouldn't sell me to his opponent and kick me out of the report. fortunately, i cut myself back into the game and scored the winning touchdown.超人不会把我出卖给对手还把我踢出报道的调查。好在我自己半道杀回比赛并且成功触地得分。

  "off to let go is not to cut myself; but realize that i cannot control others.“放手”并不是割席断交;而是认识到我不能控制他人。

cut myself是什么意思

cut myself是什么意思

  don't worry, i cut myself carelessly when i was in school.不用担心,在学校的时候不小心割伤了自己。

  as a matter of fact, i didn't shave or cut myself!事实上我没有刮胡子也没有弄伤自己!

  well, then, i'll cut myself into four pieces and play mah jong.好吧,那么我把自己切成四段,打麻将去好了。

  mum, i'd like to play badminton very much today. i cut myself into two pieces to play badminton.妈妈,我今天很想去打羽毛球。我把自己切成两段就可以打羽毛球了。

  sometimes i even cut myself to see how long the blood will last有时候我甚至往自己身上割划,看看血究竟能流多久

  maybe someone saw this passage would say i'm a boring, artificial person, but i'm sorry, this is cut myself, not for you.也许有人看到这一段话会说我是个无聊切做作的人,但是对不起这个是写给我自己看的不是给你看的。

  but this market is like saying i'm not cutting a piece of your cake, but i made a cake myself, and i can have it cut myself.但是这个市场好比说我不在你原来的蛋糕切一块,而是我自己做了一个蛋糕,我可以自己独享这个蛋糕。

  编后语:通过以上小编为大家解释了“cut myself是什么意思”的内容后,大家对此是不是有所了解了呢?如果想知道更多内容,请关注我们哦!


