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aoe什么意思 aoe是什么

时间:2021-01-06 10:37:01


  aoe 基本解释

  acousto-optic effect 声光效应;airborne operational equipment 飞机操作设备;auditing order error 误差审核;

  aoe 网络解释

  1. 群体攻击:法师进入该副本后,利用他们的群体攻击(aoe)技能,只需两分钟就可以将门口的七朵54级的非精英花杀掉,然后退出副本,再进去,如此反复,以获得大量的金钱和经验.

aoe什么意思 aoe是什么

aoe什么意思 aoe是什么

  2. 范围攻击:范围攻击(aoe)是法师的专利吗?虽然大部分玩家这么认为,但我今天告诉你们:不是. 防护骑士的群杀能力从效率,安全性,成本,耗时等各方面全面超越法师!是练级,刷声望,打钱的良方,在提到骑士就想到神圣或是惩戒的今天,

  3. 快速战斗支援舰:伴随补给任务由加入航母编队序列的快速战斗支援舰(aoe)和综合补给舰(aor)担任. 它们航速高(20-26 节). 有一定的自卫能力和通信手段,任,使用的舰船为舰队油船(ao)、战斗补给舰(afs)和军火船(ae),有

  4. 群杀:法师群杀(aoe)图文解说. 新星之后的烈焰冲击,从图中可以看到冰锥已经冷却好了,可以马上接第2个冰锥. 法师群杀(aoe)图文解说. 这时候怪物已经濒死了,绕着火圈给2个奥术爆炸就可以数钱数经验了. 最后差不多刚好把魔法全部用完.

  5.aoe:area of effect; 有范围伤害的法术

  6.aoe:application operating environment; 应用操作环境(at&t的)

  7.aoe:advanced operation environment; 先进操作环境

  8.aoe:activity on edges; 边表示活动

  aoe 双语例句

  1. jakiro unleashes a line of pulsing flame strikes in front of him. each flame strike deals damage per second for 5 seconds, and has a 200aoeradius.


  2. jakiro unleashes a line of pulsing flame strikes in front of him. each flame strike deals damage per second for 5 seconds, and has a 200aoeradius. distance increases per level.


  3. twp was basically the clan for finnishaoeplayers. now we don't have any finnish clan.


  4. what i mean is that they have surprisingly high area damage for a predominantly melee class.


  5. abilities with 2 of them, avoidanceaoething and frenzy are sorta like immunity/bloodpact.

  闪避(50%回避aoe)和狂暴(可叠加增加ap 自buff)是被动技能。

  6. fingers of frost and frostbite only proc simultaneously, but they provide a large amount of shatter update foraoespells.


  7. up in the main room it's very simple, the evokers heal so make sure they are quickly killed off. everyone that is in the room should stand in the middle but the champions do a whirlwind attack so it's best to **** them a little bit out of the camp. justaoeand watch your aggro and this event is also reasonably simple, the real fight starts when this part is*****! there is one final note and this is an optional strategy. if you want to do the mind control strategy which will be mentioned later then you need to leave a warbringer mob alive.

aoe什么意思 aoe是什么

aoe什么意思 aoe是什么


  8. but i can see the argument that avoidance is just an unalienable right for all pets and we might eventually just give it to them all.


  9. right through the importation of construction activities, we can establish arbitrary judgmentaoenetwork.


  10. sickening cleave frontal arcaoewith dot poison which will cause 10% of a cloth wearer's health of poison damage every 2 seconds for 15 seconds.


  11. mc release of boss whenaoeskills when a thief will die large.


  12. we wanted to give rogues some ae damage, and we were okay with the big numbers for a long time because they were big when fights were short, but not as good **** longer ae fights. protip: ae doesn't just equal trash these days.


  13. phase 2: we single target burn bow in 10-15 seconds and thenaoeeverything else except the axe which is ****ed to the side.


  14. new item: dust of appeareance, gives true sight in a certainaoe


  15. remember, the goal here is not to nerf ret mana. it is to make it more stable instead of varying wildly depending on the encounter.


  16. pumellers should simply be ****ed and killed; scrapbots will head directly towards xt-002 and heal him if they get to him, so they need to be killed quickly; boombots will also follow normal aggro table, but will explode when their health reaches 50%, damaging players and npcs in proximity.


  17. during this phase he will be unattackable and three kinds of adds will spawn - xm-024 pumellers, xs-013 scrapbots, and xe-321 boombots.


  18. cold is a tactical crowd control tree due toaoefreeze, cold fear which makes monsters run and ice elemental minions.

  冰冻是群体控制树可以施放冰冻群攻,cold fear 可以使怪逃跑和施放冰宠。

  19. note that ae damage from many classes is very high right now and we are looking at all of them.


  20. arcane orb hits with a huge explosion, dealing heavyaoedamage to anything within a couple of yards.


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