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cousin是什么意思 cousin是什么

时间:2020-12-12 16:16:02


  相信精通英文的人对“cousin”这个词汇是非常了解的,它的解释、用法分为很多种,就看你怎么运用了。那么,接下来,小编就带大家了解下“cousin是什么意思 cousin是什么”吧!

cousin是什么意思 cousin是什么

cousin是什么意思 cousin是什么

  cousin是什么意思 cousin是什么






  like its cousin, dna, rna molecules are long strands.就像它的表亲dna一样,rna分子也是链状结构。

  she is visiting her cousin kitty.她来拜访她的表姐基蒂。

  the cone nebula is a cousin of the m16 pillars, which the hubble imaged in 1995.锥状星云是哈勃在1995年拍摄的m16柱状星云的表兄弟。

cousin是什么意思 cousin是什么

cousin是什么意思 cousin是什么

  lt's in your blood, sam.i am your cousin.那是你的血脉,山姆,而我是你的堂兄弟。

  in energy terms, east africa has long been the continent's poor cousin.就能源而言,东非长期以来一直是非洲的穷表亲。

  west germans drink wine, while their east german brothers and sisters like to drink gin.西德人喝葡萄酒,而他们东德的兄弟姐妹则喜欢喝杜松子酒。

  he tracked down his cousin and uncle. the latter was sick.他追查到了堂弟和叔叔的下落,发现叔叔这时正在病中。

  allow me to present my wife's cousin, mr zachary colenso.请允许我介绍我妻子的表哥,扎卡里·科伦索先生。

  my cousin henry, a few months after the entry to get an easy job to do 3 times the salary.我堂弟亨利几个月之后入职时轻而易举地拿到了3倍的薪水。

  her cousin, a hairdresser, is giving her a perm free of charge.她表兄是美发师,正在免费给她烫发。

  my husband's cousin knows lord brown.我丈夫的堂兄认识诺思克利夫勋爵。

  mike touts his cousin and gets him a better job.麦克吹捧自己的堂兄,使他得到较好的工作。

  he had a romance with his cousin.他跟他表妹有过一段罗曼史。

  eric is the son of my cousin edward.埃里克是我表兄爱德华的儿子。

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