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naive什么意思 naive是什么

时间:2020-04-27 20:36:02


  在如今的网络世界里,我们常常会听到这个那个比较新鲜的词语,而“naive”就是其中的一个。那么,你知道“naive什么意思 naive是什么”吗?下面就跟随小编来了解了解吧!

naive什么意思 naive是什么

naive什么意思 naive是什么

  naive什么意思 naive是什么

  adj.天真的; 幼稚的; 单纯的;

  比较级:naiver 最高级:naivest


  it is childish to think teachers are always so tolerant.认为老师们总那么宽容是幼稚的。

  i must have been naive to think we would get my parents' blessing.我一定太天真了,竟认为我们会得到我父母的祝福。

  if i was younger or more naive, the criticism would have destroyed me.如果我再年轻一些,或是再单纯一些,那些批评可能就会把我给毁了。

  the simple concepts he had been taught now sounded trite and naive.他曾经被教导的简单观念如今听起来陈腐而幼稚。

naive什么意思 naive是什么

naive什么意思 naive是什么

  her colourful oils and works on paper have a naive, dreamlike quality.她那些色彩斑斓的油画与纸上作品给人一种天真、梦幻般的感觉。

  i know i was a naive fool to trust him but he is a real charmer who totally took me in.我知道我当初幼稚无知,竟然信任他,可是他真是迷人,把我完全给骗了。

  the play is somewhat idealistic, even naive, in dealing with the subject.这部戏在对待这一主题上有些理想化,甚至是天真。

  these children naivete reminds me of my childhood.这些孩子天真烂漫的样子使我想起了自己的童年。

  wang xiaoya early broadcast image exposure, green and naive!王小丫早期播音形象曝光模样青涩天真!

  the youngest boy was laughed at for his childish remarks.最年幼的男孩因幼稚的话被嘲笑。

  i remember the childish idea and pleased everyone, because i was.我记得当时幼稚的想法和大家感到高兴,因为我是。

  编后语:通过以上小编为大家解释了“naive什么意思 naive是什么”的内容后,大家对此是不是有所了解了呢?如果想知道更多内容,请关注我们哦!


