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manage是什么意思 manage是什么

时间:2020-11-10 18:48:02


  在日常生活中,相信大家应该都有听说过manage这个英文单词吧?你知道它真正的含义是什么?如果你对这个英文单词也很感兴趣的话,下面我们一起来看看manage是什么意思 manage是什么。

manage是什么意思 manage是什么

manage是什么意思 manage是什么

  manage是什么意思 manage是什么

  经营; 使用; 完成(困难的事); 明智地使用(金钱、时间、信息等)


  1.with in two year she was managing the store.


  2.in a busy world,managing your time is increasingly important.


  3.some how,he'd managed topersuade kay to buy one for him.



  1. 作及物动词,意为"管理;经营;负责"。如:

  your mother has a genius for managing such things. 你母亲有管理此类事情的才能。

  i don't think it's altogether her shop; i think she just manages it. 我认为这不完全是她的商店,她只是负责管理而已。

  2. 作及物动词,意为"控制;对付;照管"。如:

  the girl is good at managing her money. 这个女孩善于理财。

  you couldn't manage the demanding case; you'd better ask your parents for h***. 你对付不了这件难办的事,你最好叫你的父母帮助你。

  3. 作及物动词,意为"达到;做成(某事)",常与can, could, be able to连用。如:

  i haven't been learning french for long, so i can only manage a few words. 我学法语的时间不长,所以只能凑合着说几句。

  despite his disappointment, he was able to manage a smile. 尽管他很失望,可还是强颜欢笑。

manage是什么意思 manage是什么

manage是什么意思 manage是什么

  4. 作不及物动词,意为"设法(终于)完成(某件困难的事)",其后通常接不定式。如:

  do you suppose you can manage to get me a passport?你认为你能给我弄到护照吗?

  we managed to get what we wanted, anyhow. 无论如何,我们最终得到了我们想要的。

  the shirt was very dirty, but he managed to clean it. 这件衬衫很脏,但他设法把它弄干净了。

  注意:如果指"设法"做某事,但不知是否成功,通常用try to do sth. 结构。如:

  the hunter tried to escape from the forest, but he lost his way. 猎人设法逃出森林,但他迷路了。

  5. 作不及物动词,意为"能办到;设法解决;勉强维持"。如:

  we have a little food, but we can manage. 我们只有一点儿食物,但我们能应付过去。

  how will you manage without a job? 没有工作你怎么生活?

  6. 作及物动词,意为"设法得到;拿得动;吃得下",后接名词或代词。如:

  i couldn't manage two weeks' holiday this year, only one. 今年我无法得到两周的假期,只能是一周。

  without her he** i should not have managed it. 没有她的帮忙,我是办不到的。

  7. 构成manage for习惯短语,意为"设法得到"。如:

  how did you manage for money? 你是怎样弄到钱的?

  she managed for mr li's he** and passed the driving test.她得到了李先生的关照,通过了驾驶考试。

  8. manage的名词一是不可数的 management,意为"经营;管理";二是可数的manager,意为"经理;管理人"。如:

  the failure was caused by bad management. 失败是经营不善所致。

  she's not a very good manager-she always spends more money than she earns. 她不大会理财--总是入不敷出。

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