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情愫什么意思 情愫是什么

时间:2020-10-06 08:31:06


  情愫什么意思 情愫是什么?对于这个网络时代,可能每天都有人创造出网络新词,这些词语非常有趣,那么情愫是什么意思?今天我们就为给各位不懂的朋友好好解答一番。


  情愫 基本解释

  情愫[qíng sù]


  词典sincere feeling:忱;情愫;愫。

  情愫 汉英大词典

  情愫[qíng sù]

  [书] sincerity; sincere feeling

  情愫 网络解释

情愫什么意思 情愫是什么

情愫什么意思 情愫是什么

  1. tabou:b4 队商 caravan | b5情愫tabou | b6 禁忌 forbidden

  情愫 双语例句

  1. 当你伟岸的身躯不再挺拔我仍然爱生命的苦难留在你眼中的深邃让我用青春滋润你的生命在你眼中点燃明亮的火焰让我们的坦诚在深夜撞击心溶为一体,手交于一处让我用青春滋润你的生命播散浪漫的情愫驱散你胸中的浮躁点燃你生命的激情

  let me moister your life with my youth light bright fire in your eyes let our sincere hearts meet in darkness hearts melted, hands crossed let me moister your life with my youth seed romantic emotion drive flippancy in heart light passion of life

  2. 在诗的园地里,他辛勤劳作三十余载,出版了《星星,母亲的眼睛》、《峭岩情诗70首》、《绿色的情诗》、《爱的双桅帆》、《浪漫军旅》、《峭岩诗选》等短诗集;《静静的白桦林》、《高尚的人》、《一个士兵和一个时代的歌》等叙事长诗;《中国西部摄影诗》、《我的祖国》、以及长篇传记文学专著《魏巍》、散文集《被遗忘的爱》、《士兵的情愫》、《走进阿尔卑斯山》等著作28部。

  in the poetic field, he has toiled for **** 30 years, publishing short poetry collection of stars, eyes of mother, 70 romantic poems by qiao yan, the green romantic poems, double-mast sail of love, romantic career in the army, and selection of poems by qiao yan; narrative long poems like the silent woods of birch, the noble-minder, and the song of a soldier and an era; long autographic work wei wei, 28 volumes of prosaic collection like love being forgotten, the passion of soldiers, and stepping into the a**s.

情愫什么意思 情愫是什么

情愫什么意思 情愫是什么

  3. 在她的笔下,人的欲望与追求、生态与心态、精神与情愫……都有全方位、多侧面的挖掘和表现。

  in her novel, humans desire and pursuit, iife and heart, spirit and emotion and so on, have been discussed and *******ed wholely.

  4. 尘世间有两苦,一是得不到之苦,二是钟情之苦。前者在你付诸努力的前提下,就把一切当作一场赌,胜之坦然,败之淡然,好在这年龄还有一定的资本得以卷土重来;至於后者可说是世间最苦,如果把这时还有这样的情愫,一定要像清除灰尘般,把它从心屋里扫出去。有些事情需要无声无息地忘记,经过一次,就长一次智慧;有些苦痛和烦恼得要默默地承受;历鍊一次;就丰富一次。

  oh well you see i received this in my work mail today, apparently it is sent by our big boss, he would like all of the workers to have a look of these ten things (maybe some of then are added by big man himself) and hopefully follow it through, i don't know.....

  5. 曾经觉得自己收放自如的情愫,现实中再也不能招之既来,挥之既去。

  has a retractable feel comfortable with their true inner feelings, in reality, can no longer call at both years, the marching orders i was able to.

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