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时间:2020-09-18 21:57:02




  失而复得 基本解释

  失而复得[shī ér fù dé]

  词典lost and found:失而复得;[法] 失物招领。

  词典bring oneself ****:恢复原来的地位,收回损失;失而复得。



  词典rec**** all that was lost:失而复得。

  词典rec**** what one has previously lost:失而复得。

  词典lost & found:[电影]失而复得。

  失而复得 汉英大词典

  失而复得[shī ér fù dé]

  lost and found; bring oneself ****; rec**** all that was lost; rec**** what one has previously lost

  失而复得 网络解释

  1. get lost and then get found:or spread it all around 或者随意播撒(或者让全世界知晓) | get lost and then get found失而复得| or swallowed in the sea 或者淹没在深海里(或者被海水吞噬)

  2. lost and found:curious and inquisitive, 有好奇心,爱管闲事, | lost and found,失而复得, | the right guy can leave me spellbound. 我看得上的人让我着迷.

  3. rec****y of a lost one:34. remorse 懊悔 | 35. rec****y of a lost one失而复得| 36. loss of loved ones 失去最爱

  4. soudade:2 2nd street第二大街 | 3 soudade失而复得| 4 wonderbird困惑的鸟



  失而复得 双语例句

  1. 我们完全有理由怀着快乐的心情继续前进,赴向另一个容易获得满足的目标,让快乐失而复得。

  we have every reason to feel happy with the move and went to another to meet the goal of easy access, so that stolen happiness.

  2. 看到失而复得的项链,她激动地双手捂住嘴巴。

  she c****ed the mouth with her hands agitato when she saw her lost necklace.

  3. 那批珍宝,其中有一些是失而复得的,已经送到大英博物馆去了。

  the treasure, some of which has been recov- ered, has been sent to the british museum.

  4. 车子失而复得,也使我看到了主爱的具体体现。

  the loss and rec****y of the vehicle was a practical realization of the lord's love.

  5. 同希腊一样,在不退出欧元区阵营的背景下,要让30%的国际竞争力失而复得以及财政重获可持续性,西班牙必须实施多年的财政紧缩政策。

  like greece, spain will be required to adhere to many years of budget austerity if it is to regain its more than 30 per cent loss in international competitiveness and to restore budget sustainability within the straightjacket of eurozone membership.

  6. 在讨论中我发现盖子失而复得16 天记住 7000 考研单词考研单词 401。

  in the discussion i disc****e d that the lost c**** was rec****e d.



