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expensive是什么意思 expensive是什么

时间:2020-09-06 17:17:02


  expensive是初级英语甚至是四六级英语学习中常见的一个单词,但是expensive这个单词记忆起来可能会有一些难度,有一些人也会经常忘记expensive的意思,下面是小编带来关于expensive是什么意思 expensive是什么的内容,希望能让大家有所收获!

 expensive是什么意思 expensive是什么

  expensive是什么意思 expensive是什么

  expensive是什么意思 expensive是什么

  adj.昂贵的,花钱多的; 豪华的;

  very expensive ones, though. white males?!?

  toxins, though, are expensive to clean up.

  field testing of products is harder and more expensive.

  steakhouses sell lots of expensive red wines. 牛排馆本来出售大量昂贵的红葡萄酒。

  aside from the costs of installation and maintenance,wang notes that bandwidth in china is extremelyexpensive. 除去安装和维护的成本,王也注意到中国的宽带成本也相当高昂。

  why is zambia so expensive? 为什么赞比亚工人那么贵?

  their expensive lithium-ion battery packs will beleased. 他们计划将昂贵的锂离子电池出租。

  such lessons are both difficult and expensive to teach.这样的课教起来既困难重重又价格不菲。

 expensive是什么意思 expensive是什么

  expensive是什么意思 expensive是什么


  for now the app is also ipad-exclusive, and though a few of these educational institutions are giving the hardware away for free, for other students who don't have such a luxury it's an added layer of cost — and an expensive one at that.

  that lets us avoid building costly plants or buying expensive power at peak usage time

  tax breaks bring the cost down, especially in california, but in many states zehs can be prohibitively expensive.

  piling on higher taxes won't h***, "if higher taxes make it more expensive to raise children," says nicholas eberstadt of the american enterprise institute, "people will think twice about having another child.

  raising children is getting expensive

  mccartney found that emi's (百代唱片) contractual clauses made it prohibitively expensive to follow suit, and the beatles had to make do with the primitive technology of abbey road.

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