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decade是什么意思 decade是什么

时间:2020-08-31 15:15:02


  decade是什么意思 decade是什么?学习英语词汇的时候都会发现出现了很多新颖的词,新的词汇让我们不断的学习,下面是小编为大家搜集的关于decade是什么意思 decade是什么的相关介绍,希望对你了解这方面内容有所帮助!

decade是什么意思 decade是什么

  decade是什么意思 decade是什么

  decade 基本解释

  名词十年,十年间; 十个一组; 十年期

  decade 网络解释

  1.decade:dec automatic design; 数字设备公司的自动设计

  decade 双语例句

  1. in the firstdecadeof the 21st century, the gnp will double that of the year 2000, the people will enjoy an even better-to-do life and a more or less ideal socialist market economy will have come into being


  2. only the paranoid survive, and cisco's top 10 network it competitors from adecadeago are gone, he says.

  他说,仅有偏执狂得以存活下来,而思科十年前的前十大网路 it 竞争者已不复存在。

  3. loose change: final cut is the most explosive, and most important, political film of thedecade.


  4. and it's no secret that the japanese—whether diplomats, salarymen working in china or hip twentysomethings hanging in shibuya—have been thoroughly fed up with it for at least adecade.


  5. american consumers have been one of the main engines of global growth for the pastdecade.


decade是什么意思 decade是什么

  decade是什么意思 decade是什么

  6. i think he is going to blow our minds **** and **** with his musical choices **** the nextdecade.


  7. yet in the pastdecadegermany and the netherlands have trimmed or scrapped rules g****ning opening hours and trading practices.


  8. effects of biofertilizer on crop yield and quality are reviewed, according to the literature in the pastdecade.

  综合分析了我国近 10年来对微生物肥料,在提高农产品产量和改良品质方面的应用效果。

  9. radio astronomy has in the lastdecadeopened a new window on the physical universe.


  以上是关于decade是什么意思 decade是什么的相关介绍,相信大家都有了一定的了解,想要了解更多的介绍,请继续关注我们网站内容吧!


