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躯壳是什么意思 躯壳是什么

时间:2020-04-26 11:02:02


  躯壳是什么意思 躯壳是什么?对于这个网络时代,可能每天都有人创造出网络新词,这些词语非常有趣,那么躯壳是什么意思?今天我们就为给各位不懂的朋友好好解答一番。


  躯壳 基本解释

  躯壳[qū qiào]

  词典the body:躯壳。

  词典outer form:躯壳。

  躯壳 汉英大词典

躯壳是什么意思 躯壳是什么

躯壳是什么意思 躯壳是什么

  躯壳[qū qiào]

  the body; outer form:

  例:失去精神实质, 只留下躯壳

  have lost the essential spirit leaving only the outer form

  躯壳 网络解释

  1. quke:区隔度qugedu |躯壳quke | 请看我qingkanwo

  躯壳 双语例句

  1. 在没有你话语的日子中,这就是痛苦,无思无念,让我降入那地狱的残酷,永无生机,但灵魂依然挣扎着去寻找你,只是为了得到你的原谅,而久久不肯回归我那已快逝去的躯壳。。。

  in having the day of your words, this is agony, has not thought of reading, let me lower the cruelty which enter that hell, there is no life forever, but soul is still struggling to look for you, just in order to get your pardon, unwilling to return to my body that will already pass soon for a long time...

  2. 这里的我的躯壳很寂寞,没有一丝丝的温度和精神。

  here my body is lonely, none of the temperature and the spirit of fishes.

  3. 整天为了这个虚有的,无意义的躯壳而忙忙碌碌,殚精竭力的人,是世俗认定的君子。

  he, who bustles for or even exhausts his energy for the meaningless and vain shell, is the secular gentleman.

  4. 整天为了这个虚有的,无意义的躯壳而忙忙碌碌,殚精竭力的人,是世俗认定的君子。

躯壳是什么意思 躯壳是什么

躯壳是什么意思 躯壳是什么

  any one who bustles for or even exhausts his energy for the meaningless and vain shell, is the secular gentleman.

  5. 我让你的心脏都感觉到死亡般的冰冷,直到你变成一个乌有的躯壳。

  i will freeze you from within, until all that remains is an icy husk.

  6. 朋友你的寂寞来自哪里??????白天穿梭于大街小巷,黑夜奔波于寂寞孤独灵魂躯壳,我心底空落昭然。

  shuttle on the streets during the day, night go back and forth lonely lonely soul of the body, i laid plain empty hearts.

  7. 你是否相信,那么,真正的躯壳和血基督是在圣?

  do you believe, then, that the true body and blood of christ are in the sacrament?

  8. 变形发霉的月亮也正在前进,裸露的女孩们拉着它穿行于摩天大楼当中,后面跟着一支由老爷车和卡车躯壳组成的队伍,当中还有沉默的人群,而且随着队伍的前进,人群的规模还在不断扩大。

  the flaky, moldy moon was also advancing, sailing between the skyscrapers, pulled by the naked girls, and behind it came a line of beat-up cars and skeletons of trucks, amid a silent crowd that was gradually increasing in size.

  上文就关于躯壳是什么意思 躯壳是什么的相关解答,相信看完后你就懂了,为了帮助更多朋友能解答不懂的词汇,我们整理了最专业的知识。


