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paparazzi什么意思 paparazzi是什么

时间:2020-08-19 10:37:10


  paparazzi什么意思 paparazzi是什么?如今我们遇到不懂的词语都会选择在网上查询,这样不用去麻烦别人,自己就能学会。那么paparazzi是什么意思呢?下面就让小编为你解答,我们还整理了更多相关知识。


  paparazzi 基本解释

  专门追逐名人的摄影记者( paparazzo的名词复数 );

  paparazzi 网络解释

  1. 愛情狗仔:而女神卡卡先前就预告要在颁奖典礼上给人好看,果然从典礼一开始到最后,一连换了4套服饰,为了撇清外界指她有「命根子」的谣言,特地穿上紧身三角裤表演,甚至在演唱歌曲>(paparazzi)时以爆血装扮令人震撼.

paparazzi什么意思 paparazzi是什么

paparazzi什么意思 paparazzi是什么

  2. 狙殺狗仔隊:博.拉莱米是一名年轻的电影明星,却成为当代最炙手可热的动作片大腕,他拥有着所有男人梦寐以求的一切:美丽的妻子、可爱的儿子、海边别墅,从未想过自己的"一夜成名"会将这些最 ...>效应,找来了>(paparazzi) 的vcd.

  paparazzi 双语例句

  1. thepaparazziwho had been chasing her reportedly failed to call the rescue services.


  2. it could be that times have changed or that the statement was just a smoke screen to scare off thepaparazzi, who so tormented william's mother, diana.


  3. aaron kwok and bear黛林ambiguous relationship has always been the focus of people's attention, especially thepaparazzifavorite topic, and both of them on the situation in the boiling point of network entertainment programs on television repeatedly mentioned, and now also does not make clear that this problem, the result is low how about, let us look at the latest developments.


paparazzi什么意思 paparazzi是什么

paparazzi什么意思 paparazzi是什么

  4. ja: by living in vancouver i got the chance to avod thepaparazzi, that`s different in los angeles and you know i`m not leonardo dicaprio either… i`m not that famous and i`m kind of a shy guy

  住在vancouver我有条件低调嘛。如果是la就会是另一番景象了。而且我也不是leonardo dicaprio。我没那么有名而且我很害羞~噗~装吧,你害羞。。。。刚说了你自己不害羞的。说变就变。

  5. such as magnetic buttonpaparazzizinc alloy buckle, belt buckle, shoe buckle, zipper brand, locks and other types of die casting.


  6. in addition, thepaparazzilove them.


  7. i think i have some talent to be apaparazzi.


  8. a black bear walks across the road leading to the mendenhall glacier in juneau, alaska as a flurry ofpaparazziand other curious onlookers carefully stand by.


  9. why should i sacrafice some great values which i grew up with just because of some ignorantpaparazzi? !


  10. thepaparazzi, you know, you're a young lady in the spotlight, and they are all **** the place.


  上文就关于paparazzi什么意思 paparazzi是什么的相关解答,相信看完后你就懂了,为了帮助更多朋友能解答不懂的词汇,我们整理了最专业的知识。


