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toxicant什么意思 toxicant是什么

时间:2020-08-07 15:07:02


  toxicant什么意思 toxicant是什么?如今我们遇到不懂的词语都会选择在网上查询,这样不用去麻烦别人,自己就能学会。那么toxicant是什么意思呢?下面就让小编为你解答,我们还整理了更多相关知识。


  intoxicant 基本解释



  intoxicant 网络解释

  1. 使醉的东西 使醉的:steric hindrance 位阻(现象) |intoxicant使醉的东西 使醉的 | bane***, 祸害

toxicant什么意思 toxicant是什么

toxicant什么意思 toxicant是什么

  2. 醉人的东西:intown 市中心的 |intoxicant醉人的东西 | intoxicate 使陶醉

  3. 使醉的东西:timid 胆小的, |intoxicant使醉的东西n | intoxicate 使喝醉,使陶醉

  4. 毒物:intoxication 中毒 |intoxicant毒物 | intolerance 不耐量

  intoxicant 双语例句

  1. persuasive sharp sounding,intoxicant.


  2. shoved open the window, the moon has hung nearby day error, good beautiful, was sointoxicant.


  3. alcoholic beverage,intoxicant, inebriant


  4. the tear isintoxicant, because it is the love crystallization.

toxicant什么意思 toxicant是什么

toxicant什么意思 toxicant是什么


  5. on this ship's people, good thought that several centuries the person gates, their clothing is various, curls the volume the hair, the neat coattails, the beautiful foreign-style clothing, the enchanting smiling face, they are chatting, the orchestra is singing, not far away also has the vaudeville performance, all come to be as if very fuzzy, captain looked like me to beckon, leads me to visit this huge ship, the luxurious decoration, the expensive meal small dish, had upper crust's guest, all were that luxurious, theintoxicantliquor fragrance, i thought that i might in here not long-drawn-out life approximately, was enjoying all, luxurious life, but all blurred, understands mistily, by now, the sky was projecting together the silver light, i was suitable the silver light direction to fly, captain actually closely held on mine foot, the appearance changed suddenly very fierce, my anxious strength wanted to hold him, by now, a lightning had divided, captain will ****throw, turns head looks, the luxurious steamboat already changed total wreck, but also sent out the intermittent odor!


  6. now evening what evening, in the air has filled theintoxicanthappiness.


  7. after napoleon's occupation of egypt, europeans began using the drug as anintoxicant.


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