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go though是什么意思

时间:2020-07-26 08:32:02


  go though是什么意思?虽然现在英语作为我们教科书的重要一门功课,但是很多朋友在上学的时候都学的比较吃力,那么go though是什么意思呢?今天我们就为不了解的朋友详细的解答。

  go though是什么意思



  go though 双语例句

  1. maquiladoras are often owned and operated by foreign companies, who, eventhoughthey bring their equipment from the united states, pay for assembly, operating and labor costs in pesos, which allows their dollars togomuch further.


go though是什么意思

go though是什么意思

  2. i want togothoughi am sick.


  3. i want togoback to last winter when we loved each other, but i realize that too much time has gone by time flows by so fast a world of separation will approach me now the pictures inside the memories that grow faint the hot tears that flow down both cheeks eventhoughthey are memories that cannot come back, cherish them our beautiful recollections that i gave you head towards towards another world oh oh oh

  我希望回到我们深爱着彼此的去年冬天,但我意识到太多的时光已经远去;光阴似箭,现在分离的时刻即将临近;记忆中的一幕幕渐渐淡去,热泪从两颊流下;即使它们是无法恢复的回忆,它们仍然是我的珍爱;我给于你的美丽的回忆,将领着我走向另一个世界oh oh oh

  4. though odelia knew that it was good for cecil togoto the class, she didn't want to letgo.


  5. but i learn to bear up and stand up bravely,thoughigothrough innumerable tumbles.


  6. eventhough1000 has 10, 000 want to, but you stillgo, you have to back yourself, after all,*****, their schools, their own lives.


go though是什么意思

go though是什么意思

  7. i had found a perspective glass or two in one of theseamen's chests, which i saved out of our ship, but i had it notabout me; and this was so remote that i could not tell what to makeof it,thoughi looked at it till my eyes were not able to hold tolook any longer; whether it was a boat or not i do not know, but asi descended from the hill i could see no more of it, so i gave it****; only i resolved togono more out without a perspective glassin my pocket.


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