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ellen什么意思 ellen是什么

时间:2020-07-19 23:31:02


  ellen什么意思 ellen是什么?如今我们遇到不懂的词语都会选择在网上查询,这样不用去麻烦别人,自己就能学会。那么ellen是什么意思呢?下面就让小编为你解答,我们还整理了更多相关知识。


  ellen 基本解释


  ellen 网络解释

  1. 爱伦:例如去年推出的一个电视剧>(ellen),公然在全国家庭面前表演同性恋者的亲热镜头,这在五年前都是不可思议的事. 在1994年中期选举中,**党几乎全军覆没. 这是选民对克林顿的左倾急进路线的反弹. 克林顿在痛定之余产生顿悟.

  2. 艾伦:在电视对性的处理越发变得直白、粗俗甚至违背道德的背景下,无论如何,>(ellen)在nielsens排行的命运决定于收视率和观众的期盼(>(chicago hope)?

ellen什么意思 ellen是什么

ellen什么意思 ellen是什么

  3. 埃伦:像>(ellen)和>(will and grace)这样的情景喜剧在同性恋和异性恋观众中都获得了成功. 而真人秀>(港译>,queer eye for the straight guy)让主流人群对同性恋文化的包容更上了一个新层次.

  ellen 双语例句

  1. but it gave gerald pleasure to air his views, andellenwas unfailingly thoughtful of her husband's pleasure.


  2. all the clothes and all the rugs and even missellen`s rosaries.


  3. mammy: all the clothes, and all the rugs, and even missellen's rosaries.


  4. and i want to particularly just thank two people who have really stepped up to assume new responsibilities on behalf of the obama administration, someone who was on the board of usip, now under secretary maria otero, and also under secretaryellentauscher who — both of whom i`m delighted are part of the team at the state department.


  5. u. s. under secretary for arms control and international securityellentauscher *******ed confidence that despite deep partisan divisions in congress, the senate would pass the successor to the 1991 strategic arms reduction treaty, although she gave no timeframe.

ellen什么意思 ellen是什么

ellen什么意思 ellen是什么


  6. acting in collins'play, which was called the frozen deep, he sets free feelings he was accustomed to keeping tightly confined, and his co-star, the toothsomeellenternan, finds herself right in the splash zone.


  7. mammy: why…miss sueellen, miss carreen, they were sick with the typhoid.


  8. when scarlett was a year old, and more healthy and vigorous than a girl baby had any right to be, in mammy`s opinion,ellen`s second child, named susan elinor, but always called suellen, was born, and in due time came carreen, listed in the family bible as caroline irene.


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