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艳慕是什么意思 艳慕是什么

时间:2020-07-15 14:11:01


  艳慕是什么意思 艳慕是什么?对于这个网络时代,可能每天都有人创造出网络新词,这些词语非常有趣,那么艳慕是什么意思?今天我们就为给各位不懂的朋友好好解答一番。


  艳慕 基本解释


  艳慕 双语例句

  1. 人们对于财富的那种艳慕似乎过了头。

艳慕是什么意思 艳慕是什么

艳慕是什么意思 艳慕是什么

  you lucked out great wealth is ****rated.

  2. 你青春的华服,那么被人艳慕

  thy youth's proud livery, so gazed on now

  3. 人们对于财富的那种艳慕似乎过了头。

  great wealth is ****rated.

  4. 没办法不是要在沸点上八卦,实在是这些太艳慕,时不时就让咱们这些小老百姓想起,所以就在沸点在掀一把,说来也巧今天又有消息说霍启刚跟郭晶晶就要在11月要办婚礼。

  in no way is not to theboiling point on the eight diagrams, which is too mu-yan, from time to time we let these people think of small, so in aboiling point in the lift, qiao also said to have said today, just with guo jingjing huo q will be in the 11 on the need fora wedding.

  5. 某天,莎拉在一个聚会上邂逅了长期致力于人道主义援助的医生尼克·卡拉汉,尼克常年在那些由于战争或贫瘠而缺医少药的国家为当地的人们实施医疗援助,虽然那些地方条件艰苦甚至有生命危险,但是尼克还是顶着别人的种种误会和不解,为挽救宝贵的生命,默默地履行着自己作为医生的天职在了解到尼克的所作所为后,莎拉非常感动,她愈发觉得自己做的太不够了,于是她做出了一个让所有人吃惊的决定——放弃在伦敦那令人艳慕的上流社会生活,作为助手跟着尼克一同到那些危险而艰苦的的地区,到那些最需要救援的人们身边,用自己的双手给予他们所渴求的帮助!

艳慕是什么意思 艳慕是什么

艳慕是什么意思 艳慕是什么

  one day, sarah met at a gathering of long-term commitment to humanitarian aid doctor nick callahan, nick year as a result of war or in those poor countries and lack of medical treatment for local people implementation of medical assistance, although the difficult conditions in those places and even life-threatening, but nick is still under a variety of other people's misunderstandings and understand, in order to save precious lives, quietly carry out their duty as doctors learned that nick has done in after sarah was very moved, she increasingly felt that not enough has been done too, so she made a surprising decision for all - that is to give up in london's high society mu yan life, along with nick to join as assistant to those dangerous and difficult areas, to those most in need of people to rescue him, with their own hands by giving them much needed h***!

  6. 那么,来吧,直抵高品质婚礼,准备迎接婚礼上的艳慕眼神!此套装礼盒,含由铬合金材质的开塞钻和瓶塞

  this elegant chrome heart wine stopper and chrome tuxedo heart corkscrew are presented in a velvet lined black gift box with clear top.

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