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wk是什么意思 wk是什么

时间:2020-06-25 21:26:02


  wk是什么意思 wk是什么?虽然现在英语作为我们教科书的重要一门功课,但是很多朋友在上学的时候都学的比较吃力,那么wk是什么意思呢?今天我们就为不了解的朋友详细的解答。





  wk. 双语例句

  1. the mice were challenged by 500 tcid50 cvb32 weeks after the last immunization.

  末次免疫后2 wk,以500 tcid50的cvb3腹腔内感染,观察小鼠的存活情况。

wk是什么意思 wk是什么

wk是什么意思 wk是什么

  2. at 12 and 16wkof age, sera sample were analyzed for lipid and electrolyte concentration.


  3. there was no evidence of hepatotoxicity, renal toxicity and myelotoxicity in nude mice bearing human breast cancer given 〓i-egf **** a 4-wkobservation period. conclusions egfr plays a crucial role in neoplastic infiltration, cell proliferation, lymph node metastasis and may be a significant prognostic factor for long-term survival in breast cancer. by quantitative determining the egfr, dna content and morp****tric parameters, groups of node-negative cancer patients of high risk could be better identified for more effective clinical management. the complexes of radionuclide-iodine labelled egf is a promising novel radiopharmaceutical agent for the imaging and radiotherapy of breast cancer in the future.


  4. liver function indexes arid afp were inspected by automated biochemical analyzer anti radioimmunoassay. results no sry-positive was detected in the n, c group all the time and the e group after transfusion at l/2h.

wk是什么意思 wk是什么

wk是什么意思 wk是什么

  结果 pcr和brdu免疫组化初步分析对照组在不同时期均无雄险bm-mscs,实验组在1/2处死的5例中均阴性,在第1wk处死的5只中有2例阳性,在第2wk处死组5只中有3只阳性,在第3、4wk处死组5只中均阳性。

  5. the same procedure was carried out 14 days later. results the temperature of inferior segment of esophagus was significantly increased at 60min. the temperature of physic liquor was significant higher than that of perfusion. the temperature of perfusion was becoming significantly increased at 5min (p.05). the wbc, plt, alt, ast, cr and co2cp of preoperative and postoperative had no significant changes. only lightly peritoneum dropsy and infiltrate slight phlegmasia were observed postoperatively and 14 days later. there were no significant differences among groups.

  结果 在60min时食道下段温度显著升高,灌注温度明显高于抽取温度,抽取温度5min时开始升高(p.05);各组术前和术后wbc、plt、alt、ast、cr和co2cp无明显变化,组间比较也无明显差异;术后和术后2wk腹膜均见轻度水肿、少量的炎细胞浸润;吻合口见黏膜层有小溃疡形成,表面有渗出,组间无明显差异。

  6. the early application of improved enucleation combined with orbital hydroxyapatites ocular implantation is effective for patients with eyeball atrophy and complicated fracture of omz, and no complication is found such as dislocation of the implant, rejection and infection.


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