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genuine什么意思 genuine是什么

时间:2020-06-15 16:17:02


  不知道各位朋友们对“genuine”这个词语有没有进一步去了解过呢?这对英文不熟悉的人来说,肯定是不了解的啊!那么,下面小编就给大家讲解下“genuine什么意思 genuine是什么”吧!

genuine什么意思 genuine是什么

genuine什么意思 genuine是什么

  genuine什么意思 genuine是什么




  there was a risk of genuine refugees being returned to vietnam.存在将真正的难民遣返回越南的风险。

  now that he has become**********, many see the hope of a real system reform again.既然他已当上了总统,很多人又再次看到了进行真正的体制**的希望。

  if this offer is genuine i will gladly accept it.如果这份帮助是诚心的,我欣然接受。

  he seems so honest and genuine and my every instinct says he's not.他看起来这么老实诚恳,但我的全部直觉告诉我他一点都不。

  i was relieved to learn that my problem was really caused by the illness.得知我的问题确实是由于病症引起的,我松了口气。

  this agreement is not only a true partnership between the two countries, but rather a form.这一协定与其说体现了两个国家之间真正的伙伴关系,还不如说是一种形式。

genuine什么意思 genuine是什么

genuine什么意思 genuine是什么

  good studies are needed to lend credence to the notion that genuine progress can be made in this important field.需要进行认真的研究,以让人们相信在这一重要领域可以取得真正的进展。

  teenage sex, for instance, may come not out of genuine desire but from a need to get love.例如,青少年的性行为可能并不是源于真正的情欲,而是出于一种对爱的需要。

  when he brought the drink to emil da, she smiled at him with a genuine and sweet smile.当他把饮料拿给艾梅尔达时,她真诚而甜美地向他微笑以示感谢。

  44 year old lady looking for age similar, considerate and honest man for friends, share happiness. if you are.44岁女士寻觅年龄相仿、体贴诚实的男士为友,共享快乐。非诚勿扰。

  编后语:通过以上小编为大家解释了“genuine什么意思 genuine是什么”的内容后,大家对此是不是有所了解了呢?如果想知道更多内容,请关注我们哦!


