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away mode是什么意思 away mode是什么

时间:2020-06-15 10:36:02


  在日常生活交谈中,总能从别人的嘴里听到“away mode”这个比较高级的词语,当然,这对英文不熟悉的人来说,肯定是不了解的。接下来,小编就来为大家讲解下“away mode是什么意思 away mode是什么”吧!

away mode是什么意思

away mode是什么意思

  away mode是什么意思 away mode是什么


  away mode的英文例句

  he insists that yasuo fukuda is trying to get out of the way of thinking".他坚称,福田康夫是在试图“脱离那种思维模式”。

  in order to improve the legal literacy of college students, the legal education in colleges and universities should be liberated from the ****** of ideological education and given its complete system and independent status.为提高大学生的法律素养,高校法制教育应该由从属于思想教育的阴影中解脱出来,赋予其完整的体系和**地位。

  although qingdao is a famous tourist resort in the country, its vacation tourism has not yet got rid of the mode of sightseeing tourism. most of them are vacation oriented and short distance sightseeing. they eat and live in the resort, but still need to go sightseeing.青岛市虽然是全国著名的旅游度假区,但其度假旅游还未摆脱观光旅游的模式,大都以度假为主、兼短途观光;吃住在度假地,但仍需外出观光。

away mode是什么意思

away mode是什么意思

  based on the design, the bracket can also be easily folded into a marching mode.基于设计到位,这个支架也能够方便地折叠成行军模式。

  the yulin airport, like other regional airports, relies on policy patronage, industry monopoly and state support, and has been out of the unique management road laid out by the planned economic system.榆林机场和其它支线机场一样,依靠政策庇护、行业垄断、国家支持,痛苦而艰难地走出了计划经济体制所铺设的独特的经营管理道路。

  china's logistics enterprises generally lack of scale and strategic resources shortage, hindering the formation of enterprise competitiveness, the traditional model of enterprise isolation needs to be broken.我国物流企业普遍的规模不足与战略资源短缺阻碍了企业竞争力的形成,企业孤立经营的传统模式需要被打破。

  although chinese does not lack the talent of software development, but in more and more emphasis on scale management today, congenitally deficient of management problems enables us difficult, it is difficult to get rid of the small sized software development model.虽然中国人并不缺乏软件开发的天赋,但是在越来越强调规模化经营的今天,先天不足的管理痼疾使我们举步维艰,难以摆脱小作坊式的软件开发模式。

  the system has been rid of the heavy and tedious manual operation type management model in the parking lot, and improved the efficiency of parking information management.该系统摆脱了停车场沉重繁琐的手工作业式传统管理模式,提高了停车场信息管理的效率。

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