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亘古是什么意思 亘古是什么

时间:2020-06-10 22:26:02


  亘古是什么意思 亘古是什么?对于这个网络时代,可能每天都有人创造出网络新词,这些词语非常有趣,那么亘古是什么意思?今天我们就为给各位不懂的朋友好好解答一番。


  亘古是一个汉语词汇,读音为gèn gǔ,意思是自古以来;整个古代。出自《读陆放翁集》。海桐也有同名小说《亘古》



  gèn gǔ

亘古是什么意思 亘古是什么

亘古是什么意思 亘古是什么



  2.自古以来;从来。 选自:明谢肇淛《五杂俎·人部一》:“ 王氏 以妇人能之,尤亘古所无也。”《红楼梦》第六八回:“这是他亘古少有一个贤良人,才这样待你。”

  3.南朝·宋·鲍照《清河颂》:“亘古通今,明鲜晦多。” 明·方孝孺《郑府君哀辞》:“德可感人兮亘古如斯。”


  亘古 双语例句

  1. 它的出现,不仅对呆板生意业务来往电子商务体式格式和社会经料表面文济活动带来了亘古未有的进攻,也对税收制度、税收政策、税收治理、国际税收章程倡导了新的挑战,对此务必予以高度重视。

  its appearan经济论文ce, not only has brought the unprecedented impact on the tradition type of trading and the social economy activity, also to the tax revenue system, the tax policy, the tax administration, the international tax revenu财政论文e rule proposed the new challenge, must give regarding this to take seriously.

  2. 场所精神让人对生活,同时也对纪念物、场址及文化景观亘古不变的特色,有较全面的了解。

  the spirit of place offers a fuller understanding of the living and, at the same time, permanent character of monuments, sites and cultural landscapes.

亘古是什么意思 亘古是什么

亘古是什么意思 亘古是什么

  3. 无论何时何地,我都恳请祢的帮助,祈求祢那仁恩天堂的亘古不息之恩宠。

  i beseech thee to aid and assist me at all times and under all conditions, and seek from the heaven of thy grace thine ancient favor.

  4. 一片丹心惟报国,亲爱的老师们,再长的话语也诉不完我们对教育事业的忠诚,最美的诗篇也表达不尽我们对教育事业的热爱,我们祖国各项事业的迅猛发展就是对我们所从事的教师职业的最高礼赞,我们为自己能从事这种绵延亘古,传递未来的职业而骄傲和自豪!

  a loyalty but serve the country, my dear teachers, and then a long discourse on education is also v. could not finish our loyalty to the cause, not the most beautiful poems also *******ed their love for our education, our country is the rapid development of various undertakings we are engaged in the highest praise of the teaching profession, we are able to engage in such a stretch for their own eternal, passing the future of professional pride and pride!

  5. 他祈求上主庇佑他们,并请他们吻《圣经》。他们这十二名爱阿尔,个个从席位上起立,并以从亘古就存在的上主之名发誓说,他们将为主主持正义。

  and straightway the minions of the law led forth from their donjon keep one whom the sleuthhounds of justice had apprehended in consequence of information received.

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